Friday, August 25, 2023

Ernst Slams Biden for Selling $2M Border Wall Parts at a Loss;Biden’s Tall Tales Exposed: How Far Will He Go?;Amazon Under Fire: Exploits Hollywood Strike to Axe Woke Show Disasters!


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Ernst Slams Biden for Selling $2M Border Wall Parts at a Loss

U.S. Senator Joni Ernst from Iowa is not taking the Biden administration’s border crisis lightly, even though her state is nowhere near the border with Mexico. She ... [More]

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Biden’s Tall Tales Exposed: How Far Will He Go?

Oh boy, here we go again with Joe and his wild imagination! It seems like every time he opens his mouth, a tall tale or complete fabrication comes spilling out. The ... [More]

Why this Free Hat is Incurring the Wrath of Liberal Gun Grabbers?

Radical liberal gun control lobbies and politicians think they can easily take away our Constitutional Right to Bear Arms. I've got a message for them ... [More]

Amazon Under Fire: Exploits Hollywood Strike to Axe Woke Show Disasters!

Amazon’s streaming service has a reputation for producing more misses than hits, and their latest failures include “Rings of Power,” a show that cost a whopping $1 ... [More]

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