Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Christian Bible has a powerful verse in Matthew 25:40 that says, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”



Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Christians in Pakistan need our help.

A Christian man in Pakistan was accused of blasphemy against Islam. As a result, he has been persecuted and Christian communities around Pakistan have been violently attacked by intolerant Muslims who have taken their perverse notion of “justice” into their own hands.

Dozens of Churches and hundreds of other Christian properties were ransacked and burned to the ground, and the rampages are still ongoing.

It’s impossible to calculate yet what the total amount of damage will be to personal and communal property, but the Christians in Pakistan need our help to rebuild their churches and their lives.

Thousands have fled for their lives with no more than the clothes on their backs.

Will you chip in $25, $50 or $100 today to help these persecuted Christians in need?

I know what you’re thinking. Why is an Orthodox Jewish man writing from Israel of all places, to ask for your help in a country that doesn’t recognize Israel’s right to exist?

Pakistani Christian Church Set on Fire

It’s simple. When God commands us to be a blessing to the families of the world, He does not mean only in our own countries or only among our friends.

The Christian Bible has a powerful verse in Matthew 25:40 that says,

“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

I have a number of Pakistani Christian friends. They love and support and pray for Israel. Unconditionally. Yet they could be punished severely just for being friends and connecting with me, an Orthodox, Jew, in Israel.

But now their perseverance in this Muslim country has hit a breaking point this week with this wave of violence against them.

Our Christian brothers and sisters in Pakistan need our help. Will you prayerfully consider helping us get needed relief to these persecuted Christians with your $100, $500, or even $1,000 tax-deductible donation today?

God commands us in Leviticus 19:18 to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Right now, our Christian neighbors in Pakistan need our love and support. So please pray with us to ensure our brothers and sisters who are in need in Pakistan will be taken care of!

And we pray that you will join us with your most generous contribution TODAY so we can get this much-needed relief to those who need them the most, and be a blessing to the families of the world.

Thank you,

Ken Abramowitz

Jonathan Feldstein
President, Genesis 123 Foundation


The Genesis 123 Foundation is a US-based non-profit. Our mission is to build bridges between Jews and Christians with Israel in ways that are new, unique, and meaningful. We have diverse leadership of Jews and Christians united toward this objective, and aspire to create an abundance of programs to achieve these goals. We are excited to play a role in this important mission and hope you will join us and be blessed.

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