Two of Joe Biden’s biggest lies involve the horrors of abortion, and you won’t believe just how bad they are
Joe Biden is getting caught in more and more lies.
Of course, he has a long history of lying to advance his career.
Now it turns out two of Joe Biden’s biggest lies involve the horrors of abortion, and you won’t believe just how bad they are. Pushing pro-abortion ideology is a top priority at all levels of government
And nowhere is that truer than at the very top with President Joe Biden.And since science and fact are not on the side of the abortionists, sometimes this priority requires flat-out lies to try and promote the deaths of millions of innocent children.
And no doubt, Joe Biden and his administration have told some blatant lies about almost everything. Recently, the Washington Stand listed the five lies of the Biden administration they consider among the worst.
Two of those five involve their lies about abortion.
The first of these two lies is so bad that it directly causes death and harm to women.
Namely, Biden’s false claim that weakened safety standards for the chemical abortion pill does not threaten women.
On January 3, 2023, Joe Biden’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permanently removed a “requirement that mifepristone be dispensed only in certain health care settings, specifically clinics, medical offices, and hospitals’ (referred to as the ‘in-person dispensing requirement’).”
At the same time, the FDA created a new program allowing pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS to become licensed to distribute mifepristone. Mifepristone is the first of two drugs taken to induce a chemical abortion.
In 2011, the FDA rightfully placed mifepristone under the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation System (REMS) due to reports of adverse events up to and including death.
REMS is reserved “for certain medications with serious safety concerns.”
By removing the in-person dispensing requirement from the REMS governing the use of mifepristone, Biden’s FDA enabled abortion pill dispensaries to ship the pills directly to women without any oversight.
On January 22, 2023, President Biden issued a memo endorsing a December 2022 FDA recommendation to change the requirements and allow the direct shipment of the chemical abortion pill.
Biden claimed it was “evidence-based” and taken “after an independent and comprehensive review of the risks and benefits.” So he directed the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to work together to advance the distribution of the abortion pill.
That’s not what the science shows
In reality, all the available evidence shows that “chemical abortion has led to a surge in emergency room visits and higher rates of complications,” according to the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI).
In the 30 days following a chemical abortion, women have a 22% greater risk of visiting the emergency room for any reason and a 53% greater risk of visiting the emergency room for an abortion-related reason when compared with a surgical abortion.
And studies of comprehensive datasets in Finland, Sweden, and California also show higher complication rates from chemical abortion.
In Finland, a study of 42,619 abortions found that one-fifth of all chemical abortions resulted in complications, a rate four times greater than for surgical abortions.
In California, a study found that the major complication rate for chemical abortions was four times greater than for surgical abortions.
While Biden called the FDA review “comprehensive” and “evidence-based,” the data they reviewed was far less comprehensive than these peer-reviewed studies.
Taxpayer-funded abortions for “military readiness”
On October 20, 2022, Biden’s Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin published a memorandum titled “Ensuring Access to Reproductive Health Care,” which directed the Department of Defense (DOD) “to ensure that our Service members and their families can access reproductive health care.”
Then, on February 16, 2023, the DOD finalized the policy, which grants up to 21 days of “administrative absence to non-covered reproductive health care” and subsidizes “travel for non-covered reproductive health care services.” Biden’s DOD claims this will improve military readiness.
And after Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) announced he would block senior-level military promotions until DOD ended this policy, Biden accused Tuberville of “jeopardizing our national security over domestic social issues.”
In reality, of course, federal law prohibits the DOD from using taxpayer funds to promote abortion.
DOD funds and facilities “may not be used to perform abortions except where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term or in a case in which the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest.”
But then again, Joe Biden has shown he doesn’t care about truth, science, or even the law.
Pro-Life Press will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.