Free Subscribers | The End Times Chronicles | Dr. Stephen Phinney #Ministry: The Formation of IOM America.One of our values in life is to form a legacy for the third & fourth generations of one’s bloodline, as well as for the spiritual children formed through discipleship.
The ministry of IOM has been working to refine our focus on unifying workers of the Cross since those political days. My political stint has given me many contacts, friends and open doors to accomplish our mission. I am thankful beyond words for God taking us through those difficult years. IOM AMERICA & OUR FAMILYOnce returning to my life calling – uniting Exchanged Life workers, IOM America then became dedicated to Christ-centered counseling/discipleship, conferences, worldview training & center development. Our entire focus is to help members of the body of Christ to experience, mature in, and communicate effectively the message of identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension in their various spheres of influence, just as my “Limo driver” suggested in my DC days. This is accomplished through a 3-Fold Vision: Biblical Worldview, Discipleship & Training, and the Exchanged Life Global Initiative. All three-fold into the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life E-Community (IFEL). IOM & The Global InitiativeAfter years of ministering the Exchanged Life, God opened the door to kindle my relationship with Dr. Solomon afresh. God puts Chuck and me together to discuss the idea of "coming back to my roots." That being an obvious decision, our ministries immediately began to explore the idea of a "merge." During my correspondence with Dr. Solomon, he told me that he believed God put it upon his heart that the two of us were to integrate our life services. We met, and both of us began to pray. One year later, I was struck down with a virus that went to my heart, throwing me into heart failure, which resulted in a strong recommendation for me to move to a “cooler” environment – thus our move to Sterling, Kansas. Two years later, the cardiologist gave me such a positive report that it appeared I would be "bouncing back." This opened negotiation between Dr. Solomon and me once again. The IOM & GFI boards commissioned me to write a strategic ministry plan to unite Exchanged Life workers worldwide. The plan came like a river of life, and to my joy, the leadership of IOM & GFI embraced it - resulting in me accepting the challenge of working out the details of such an initiative. It was during this time God reminded me that the plan He had given me for my doctorate thesis during my previous stint in politics was for His Church. Since June 2011, I have actively worked on the Exchanged Life Global Initiative to unfold this strategic plan. Due to my immovability to dissolve IOM America, both boards decided to keep IOM America as a separate outreach – to preserve the Initiative the Lord clearly mandated to be birthed through IOM. Today, both ministries continue to support each other in ministry and mission. Today IOM America is 100% focused on addressing the issues that come into play with Christ, culture, and Creator. We knew that required a media production branch, short films, writing of articles, books, and online networking. Soon, the Lion of Judah Films outreach was formed. Now with 700+ productions “canned” and over 8,000 posted articles, we service myriads of viewers and readers globally. Our FamilyMy beloved and I have been married now for over 45 years. Our lives have been filled with many joys, trials, and sorrows. Most of our marital conflict has been over my immaturity and my struggles with the insecurities of life. My precious wife has had to suffer along with me as I have slowly embraced who I am in Christ. Her consistent reminders and encouragement of my true identity have kept my footing in Christ strong. One of our values in life is to form a legacy for the third & fourth generations of one’s bloodline, as well as for the spiritual children formed through discipleship.
Jane and I consider the gift of children and grandchildren to be our greatest reward here on earth. Our second greatest blessing is the privilege of being spiritual parents to those who have adopted us as such. First, allow me to introduce our precious children.
Our First Born: Abigail GraceAbby was born to us on December 2, 1978, in Sioux Center, Iowa. The Hebrew Abigail, which is derived from the father is rejoicing, clearly reveals the truth about our firstborn. It was also the name of one of the wives of King David. Her character has always been strong, immovable, and full of life. She is much like her daddy when it comes to being “bull-headed” about what she believes, traits that have tested the boundaries of our parenting while stretching the limits of her middle name. Abby’s greatest struggle through the years has been her bent toward living by the law – a pattern that I, as her father, certainly reinforced a bit too much before I understood the practical aspects of the Grace life. Her greatest strengths are endurance, steadfastness, and hope. No matter how the enemy has tried to condemn her, she is simply known for getting back up and taking the hill one more time. Abby is married to Quintin Eason, and they have nine children (and counting). She is an awesome mother and wife. The heritage of her mother is written all over the fabric of her life. Before getting married, she graduated from culinary school as a chef. Since she is following in the footsteps of her mother, she homeschools her children and is a worker at home. She and her husband are dedicated to the institution of marriage & parenting. Their children, our grandchildren, are the delight of our graying hair. Jane and I love being their Opa and Oma. Our Second Born: Elizabeth MarieLibby was born to us on November 23, 1981, in Sioux Center, Iowa, and yes, she inherited her daddy’s weird sense of humor. From the Hebrew Elisheba, means oath of God, or God of satisfaction, which is very fitting for our Libby. Her life growing up was filled with an interest in the little things in life – flowers, sunsets, and anything that would catch her attention that most people would let fly by. She has a sense of humor that constantly keeps her daddy laughing. Libby and I were always getting in trouble due to our silliness. To this day, when you put us in the same room together, you will find us laughing about the smallest things. Her rosy round checks would steal the hearts of those around her. Like her father, her greatest weakness is being oversensitive, and her greatest strength certainly comes from her mother – a woman of immovable character. Like her mother, she sees the positive in all things and people – sometimes to a fault. She feels pain deeply and rejoices in the highest places of her faith. She is a country girl who finds great delight in their residence in Colorado, hoping to start a retreat center for people in ministry. Libby is married to Nathan Ford, a preacher’s kid from the hot state of Arizona. Her father-in-law co-pastored a church with me in Phoenix, which is how they met. They have two wonderful children – Zion and Montana, both who are the fruit of their grandparent’s eyes. As unique as she is in her light-hearted character, she is intense in her individualism of faith. Libby is not prone to believe or follow the beliefs of others just because others believe; she must war with her own personal faith journey before securing her spiritual position in doctrines & personhood. Our Third Born: Jessica LouiseJess was born to us on February 15, 1984, in Denver, Colorado. In Hebrew, the meaning of the name Jessica is Rich, God beholds. I know no other single young woman who is richer in faith. Regarding Biblical women, I know few who hold a candle to her devotion to Christ - outside of my favorite lady – my beloved wife! It is for this reason that I dedicated one of my favorite writing projects, the book Identity Matters – Advancing Life Within. Jess is a living expression of what it means to be married to Christ. Her personal walk with Him is immeasurably intimate and an example for married and unmarried women alike. Outside of her mother, her experiential grasp on the indwelling Life of Christ is second to none. Her ability to disciple women with the Truth is rare. I have seen few that come close to her competence in Christ. Her strength reaches far beyond human resources, and her daily lifestyle of caring for her family is humbling. A fun family story we often tell in our house is when Jess was in the incubator after being born. I was googly to the point that the doctor said, why don’t you just get in the warmer with her? The truth is, when Jess was born, I was going through one of the toughest times in my life. I had recently been diagnosed with a tumor on my adrenal gland, which was certain death for me if surgery was required. Having this new little life in front of me provided a God-sized blessing that helped me have hope for the future. Since that day, Jess has been a healing agent from the Lord each time I face moments of despair. She is a huge “cuddle bug” for her mother and me – caring for us today as she did that day in that tiny incubator. Since Jess is our last, without hesitation, I admit to her being “Daddy’s Little Girl.” CHILDREN HEAL DETACHMENTAn unknown fact by many: Due to the intensity of my childhood rejection and lack of trust in humans, I am, by the flesh, a detached person. God has used my children, and now grandchildren, to keep me from sliding back into my “bubble.” If it wasn’t for my children, grandchildren, and certainly my wife, God only knows what my life would be like. The ministry the Lord imparted to our team comes from a “life-verse” given to me by my youngest daughter years back. True instruction was in his mouth and unrighteousness was not found on his lips; he walked with Me in peace and uprightness, and he turned many back from iniquity. (Mal 2:6) I will close with a statement from one of my favorite “dead guys:”There are many Christians to who it appears impossible to think of accepting all the will of God or of their being one with it. They look upon God’s will and see a thousand commands and numberless providential orders. They imagine that they would need to be a thousandfold holier and stronger in Grace before being able to do or bear all of God’s will. They don’t understand that the difficulty comes from misunderstanding God’s will. They look at it as a variance from their natural will and feel that natural will will never delight in God’s will. They forget the Christian has a renewed will. This new will delights in the will of God because it is born of it. This new will sees the beauty and the glory of God’s will and is in harmony with it. If they are indeed God’s children, the very first impulse of the Spirit of a child is surely to do the will of the Father in Heaven. And they have but to yield themselves heartily and wholly to this Spirit of sonship, and they need not fear to accept God’s will as theirs. - Andrew Murray IOM America, its Board of Directors, volunteers, and our family endeavor to fulfill the will of God in all that we say, produce, write, and do. You’re on the free list for The End Times Chronicles. We are a non-profit outreach. To bless our ministry, become a paying subscriber. or donate. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is the President & Founder of Lion of Judah Films, Identity Matters Worldview Institute & IOM America. He is an author, teacher, film producer & podcaster.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |