Free Subscribers | The End Times Chronicles | Dr. Stephen Phinney CULTURE: The Deception of Popularity.The individual who places you on a pedestal typically is the one who dethrones you in the end. Berra said "Anyone who is popular is bound to be disliked"—no truer words.
SUCKING FROM THE BREAST OF SATANStatus-Obsession is out of control. The individual who places you on a pedestal typically is the one who dethrones you in the end. Berra said Anyone who is popular is bound to be disliked—no truer words. We live in a culture where popularity is more obsessive than heroin usage. Indeed, it acts like an addict. It demands daily feedings. It obsesses over attention. It finds its identity in the opinions of others while thriving on those little red hearts. However, it contains a much darker side – a side that often ends in psychological or physical suicide. The deceptions popularity breeds are in the lie that it can establish satisfying relationships, personal and professional fulfillment, good health, and longevity of self-fulfillment. The truth being said, popularity grounded in status, measurements of visibility, influence, and power are dangerous ideologies that usually end in depraved opposites – loneliness, lack of fulfillment, bad health, and self-fulfillment issues. It all starts with “like me.”Humanity is born with a compelling need to be loved. Innately, this begins at the mother’s breast moments after birth. From before birth, while in the womb, the child is 100% dependent on the warm nurturing environment of the mother – being fed involuntarily through a life source provided by the mother to the child while being protected in a life-warming sack of security. Once exiting this safe environment, an instinctive need to reconnect to the mother becomes paramount. If denied, as in the case of non-breast feeders, the child immediately detaches from a loving source, leaving the child bastardized to suck the breast of a cold world. We counselors call it postnatal infant stress syndrome. This disorder produces immediate inadequacies in the child. The first is problems with bonding with the mother, father, and other humans. Within weeks, detached awareness syndrome is articulated by the child. This is demonstrated in excessive crying, digestion issues, non-thriving infant syndrome, demanding to be excessively held, or the opposite, all within the child's most important initial months of development. Before becoming a minister of eschatology, I spent many years as a Family/Child Specialist. During those years, I discovered that breastfeeding is the single most important step in safety and security for healthy child development. Our case studies revealed that breastfed children manifested a higher capacity to be loved and express love. The observation study confirmed that breastfed children were less likely to “act up” to gain attention or demand to be “the center of attention.” Our conclusion with the study at the University of Colorado was eye-opening – breastfed children are 80% more well-adjusted than non-breastfed children. A further private study revealed that non-breastfed children are less likely to receive indwelling salvation (child salvations) during their childhood. On the other hand, children that were breastfed not only were more likely to receive Christ at an early age, but they were noted as having a non-intrusive dynamic, interpersonal faith, and relationship with Jesus. What does all this have to do with popularity?Everything. The satanic influence behind abortion is obvious to most indwelt believers. Satan eradicates the child before Godological bonding can occur. When that demolatry doesn’t work, the enemy of God developed a culture of non-breastfeeding mothers. Today's standard is from the womb to a detached handheld bottle, which ignited one of the worst deceptions facing modern culture. Every mother has a breast. When medical issues blocked the mother from breastfeeding, I always recommended “breast time” with the baby when forced to use bottle feeding. Today they have a tube adaptation to assist in this mode of thinking. It works! Children need their mother’s breasts. Without it, for boys, it develops a fetish with women’s breasts in puberty. For the girls, it can devolve into transgender adaptions, minimally identifying as a tomboy. In males and females, an overwhelming passion develops to be popular, liked, noticed, and obsessed with attention, which usually centers around sexuality. Once these children enter puberty, the ideology of securing a spouse for life was replaced with an insatiable passion for being involved in romantic, lust-driven relationships. The University of Virginia did a study that revealed youth driven for increased popularity were more apt to end in sexual additions, as well as be far more likely to abuse alcohol and marijuana; and less likely to have satisfying relationships – romantically or otherwise. This study noted that each of the youth that was observed often was trapped by feelings of being discontent, anxiety-prone, depressed, and showed signs of detaching from humans. Thus, setting them up for trendy suicide. Since most of our youth fall into this demise, each fell into the social media “likes” cult phenomenon. This became their battlefield of confirming or not their self-esteem issues based on how others view them. The social media platform became the “rush” of immediately being noticed by others, which equals or enhances their popularity. As the youth realized, a lifestyle came with those that “liked” them, adolescent alcohol abuse, smoking pot, or having unprotected sex, which increased beyond what could be measured, which boosted the abortion rate to its highest point in history. In counseling, I call it the food chain of debauchery. All this from anti-breastfeeding?If a mother doesn’t feed her children life through her breast, I guarantee someone else will. That someone is none other than Satan. Did you know the oldest symbol of Satanism includes two children standing under the fully develop female breast of Satan? Not only is this a hand-sketched picture by the early Druids, but I also conducted years of research behind this image. I am here to tell you – children sucking from the breast is a huge part of the beliefs of Satanism. It is paramount to them. “To whom will he teach knowledge, and to whom will he explain the message? Those who are weaned from the milk, those taken from the breast?” (Isaiah 28:9) Because humanity is born into Satan’s Adamic nature, it is imperative that parents take advantage of what is normal, natural, and neutral to God - to GET the advantage of introducing their children to the indwelling Life of Jesus. When parents default to working, playing, and raising their children like they are an unnecessary appendage, well, instead of choosing the milk of the Gospel, I can assure you, in time, they will suck from the breast of God’s greatest enemy. I love the wisdom of Job. He said something that reinforces my beliefs depicting our culture today – a fatherless, woke child is an orphan searching for a breast to quaff. There are those who snatch the fatherless child from the breast, and they take a pledge against the poor. (Job 24:9) Either on purpose to starve our children of spiritual nutrients, which must be extremely barbarous; or to sell our babies to the whore of culture, to be brought up a slave of the enemy of God; or by obliging the ignorant mother to wean our children before the due time or denying the suckling of the milk of life altogether - it is our shame. Why? That she might be better able to do the work granted to our men – who have vacated to the dark places of immorality, who mostly defend a popular life that fits well with a fatherless generation. I regret to say. I speak to a generation that is beyond the human reach of our children. By most standards, it's too late. To this, I plead unto God to become a Father to our fatherless children. Teach them, Lord, to suck from the breast of the Living God. Call them supernaturally through your Holy Spirit to a life quaffing with the milk of the Gospel. You’re on the free list for The End Times Chronicles. We are a non-profit outreach. To bless our ministry, become a paying subscriber. or donate. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is the President & Founder of Lion of Judah Films, Identity Matters Worldview Institute & IOM America. He is an author, teacher, film producer & podcaster.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |