Ben Carson blew up after he found out what this woke school superintendent said

Leftists aren’t shy about playing the race card for their own political advantage.
But there are few things that make them more nervous than a wildly successful member of a minority group.And Ben Carson had every reason to blow up after he found out what this woke school superintendent said.One principal made a mind-blowing decision recently that revealed the Left’s incredible bias against anything resembling excellence or truly giving struggling minority students encouragement to succeed in life.
Dr. Ben Carson’s life is the quintessential rags-to-riches story—one that Democrats evidently can’t stand because the wildly successful brain surgeon is both a committed conservative and black.You would expect that bias would be set aside in favor of encouraging students within the walls of a school filled with minority students with the odds stacked against them.
Trump cabinet member muzzled by the reportedly youngest school executive in the US
But rather than welcome an opportunity to have a former Cabinet official speak with students at their Alaska elementary school for free, the school district’s superintendent refused to allow the former HUD Director and Presidential candidate to set foot on the campus of Anchorage’s Mountain View Elementary school.Daily Caller contributor, Suzanne Downing ripped the school district over its shortsighted move.
“Which school district in America would pass up the opportunity to have a globally acclaimed Black American neurosurgeon kick off the school year right with an inspirational assembly?” she asked. “Step forward, Anchorage, Alaska School District, and take a bow.”Downing pointed out that the school’s student population is made up of 91% minority students who are failing abysmally when it comes to academics.
Alaska schools are reportedly in crisis as a whole and despite being the largest city in the state—and therefore not as difficult to access as schools where teachers literally have to be flown in—Mountain View Elementary is ranked in the bottom half of all schools in Alaska.
In fact, it only managed to garner half a star in the Public School Review rating system.
The number of students who are proficient in math is somewhere between 6% and 9% (compared to the state average of 36%).When it comes to reading only 10% to 14% of students are considered proficient.
Clearly, these students could use a hefty dose of pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps inspiration.
But they aren’t going to get it thanks to woke school superintendent Dr. Jharrett Bryantt, who claimed allowing Carson on campus would somehow compromise the safety of students.
One school board member called on Bryantt to explain himself.
“What board policy was the basis for your denial of former U.S. Secretary Dr. Ben Carson speaking at Mountain View School?” board member Dave Donley asked.
“Sure, ah, that’s a great question, member Donley. There’s not a specific policy. It’s within the authority of the superintendent to make that call um […] I’m happy to summarize some of the thinking that went into that perhaps at a ‘Board Connect’ but we respectfully declined the invitation,” Bryantt responded.
“So if Vice President Harris was in town, and she did a fundraiser with the Democratic Bartlett Club, would you not let her speak at one of our schools this year?” Donley fired back. Bryantt fumbled around trying to respond to that jab weaseling out of the question by saying that he’s never encountered that scenario, “But these situations are case by case, um, this isn’t necessarily a partisan thing, this is really about protocols, and keeping the focus on what it needs to be, which is on back to school and safety.”
More likely, Bryantt, who is supposedly the youngest school executive in the US, has been brainwashed by the Left and will do anything to keep his students from encountering an on-fire conservative who could give them a whole new vision for the future.
Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.