Dear carl,
We will soon be entering the season of the Fall Holidays, a high point on the Jewish calendar marked by prayer, repentance and reflection on our relationship with God and with others.
In particular, we observe the Days of Teshuvah, the ten days leading up to Yom Kippur, one of the most significant days in the Jewish calendar. The Days of Teshuvah, also referred to as the Ten Days of Repentance, are an essential time for introspection, reflection and repentance.
During this period, we are encouraged to engage in self-assessment and to take stock of our actions and behaviors over the past year. It is a time for sincere reflection on our relationships with others, with ourselves and with the Lord. It provides an opportunity to seek forgiveness from those we may have wronged and to make amends where possible.
I invite you to join in this special tradition and discover how these days can deepen your own faith and spiritual growth. May we all be transformed by these special days on the Jewish calendar.
At Jewish Voice, we are truly grateful for your partnership and love for the Jewish people. As you prepare your heart for this upcoming holiday season, I trust you are prayerfully considering how God would have you continue your support to reach every Jewish person and their neighbors with the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus).
Now until the end of the Fall Holidays season on October 9, a special Matching Challenge provided by generous partners of our ministry can double your impact, up to $220,000!
I hope you'll be as generous as you can as together we work to proclaim the Gospel and pray for the Lord to open the eyes of Israel this new Hebrew Year 5784!