And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. (Romans 1:28) If you're not familiar with the term reprobate mind, one of the best ways I’ve heard it explained is someone who has such a mind has been confronted with the truth of who God is and they still reject Him to follow their own thoughts and desires. In other words, they have traded the truth of God for a lie and choose to live as if He does not exist. In their foolishness, they will not repent but will double down on their rebellion against the things of God and encourage others to do the same. In their mind, there is seemingly no wrong that they can do in pursuit of what they view as right. That’s why wokeness and its agenda of open borders, abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, climate change (Earth worship), ANTIFA riots, the mainstream media, and the cancel culture are still active in our country today… despite Donald Trump’s efforts to stamp out its horrific manifestations in our society. Wokeness is a belief system, much like a religion. We can even compare one’s adoption of a woke mindset to public baptism… People Baptized into Christianity:
People Baptized into Wokeness:
Consider this…
I’ll take this analysis one step further and add that the woke concept of Social Justice rests on the altar of D.I.E.B. (diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging). These things motivate a woke person, not a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Truly woke individuals seek only pleasure and strive to avoid any pain or personal discipline. Knowingly, or unknowingly they are walking with the devil as if they’d been baptized by Satan himself. They subscribe to Anton LeVay’s “Do what thou wilt” mantra.
Like a religion, wokeness has its own belief system... where right is wrong and wrong is right, where moral is immoral and immoral is moral, where good is evil and evil is good, where letting murderers out of prison and killing innocent babies and letting women get raped are all okay. Included in this are their “doctrines” of white privilege, Marxism, gender fluidity, intersectionality, systemic racism, and the demonization of anyone who disagrees with them. Advancing the transfer of wealth, equal outcomes, and power to the oppressed are their “good works”. In their minds, these lead to their own ultimate “glorification” by way of obtaining the approval of their fellow man. In his Gospel, John writes this…
Where is all this heading? Unchecked, the wokeness epidemic has the potential to infect unsuspecting Christians (and innocent children) who are not strong in their faith and draw them into the darkness of the woke movement. The election of Donald Trump will not change how woke leftists think or act. D.E.I.B. may be on the way out for now, but “woke’ is not dead. Rather they will press even harder. Many of them will ignore Trump’s executive orders and persist. Take the case of the George Soros-owned radio station that just doxed undercover ICE agents operating in San Jose, California. And then there are the spiritually sick wokesters who blamed Trump for this past week’s airplane and helicopter tragedy… facts don’t matter to them. Why? Because their anti-American values are informed by Satan, not Christ…
The battle is still very much on… With that in mind, we must pray for those who remain steadfast to their woke “faith” so they will not be eternally devoured by their doctrines of demons. If you enjoy our posts, help us cover the expense of this blog by buying us a coffee… . |