Monday, March 2, 2015


Published on Jan 5, 2015


With the condition of all the world wide economies, along with the dysfunction of a lot of things in our lives today, everybody wants to understand - are we truly living in the end times as prophesied from our Bible?

There's one method to know for sure, and that's to study the signs that the Bible claimed would happen shortly before Jesus comes down again to us.

Based on the Bible, here are some of the miscellaneous signs that will take place before Jesus comes back down to us:

a. Perilous moments will arrive.
b. False Christs and False Prophets will arrive to con including the elect.
c. Wars and rumors of wars.
d. Nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom.
e. Increased famines, pestilences and also earthquakes.
f. Lawlessness and immorality will abound.
g. The love of many will grow cold.
h. Many Christians will depart from the faith giving attention to deceiving spirits and also doctrines of demons.
i. Men will become lovers of self, lovers of money, unholy, proud, boasters, blasphemers, unloving, disobedient to mothers and fathers, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, traitors, headstrong, lovers of delight as opposed to lovers of God and also ungrateful.
j. The Holy Spirit will be poured out on all flesh.
k. The Gospel of Jesus Christ will taught to the whole world and then the end arrives.
l. God will open up end time prediction for all to know and also translate so as to plan for His next coming.

Those indicators were given to us in Matthew 24:24, Matthew 24: 3-14, 2 Timothy 3:1, and 1 Timothy 4:1.

If you look very carefully at some of these signs, a lot of them are actually happening. Granted, a few of them had already been taking place over the history of the world, many of them are escalating in number and intensity. All you need to do is see the daily news which is one scary story after another.

Those who study Bible prophecy believe we're truly living in the end times as prophesied in the Bible. Only time will tell when the 7 year Great Tribulation will come upon us.

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Carl Coglianese
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