Thursday, March 26, 2015

Cornell University: ISIS terrorist training coaches welcomed on campus as long as they are vaccinated

Cornell University: ISIS terrorist training coaches welcomed on campus as long as they are vaccinated


(NaturalNews) Cornell University welcomes ISIS terrorists to come to its campus and conduct terror “training camps” for students, admits the university’s assistant dean Joseph Scaffido in an undercover sting video filmed by Project Veritas. But the university absolutely does not allow unvaccinated students to be present on campus, according to its public health requirements web page.
At Cornell University, in other words, terrorists are welcomed, but only if they are fully vaccinated first. Meanwhile, healthy, unvaccinated children are banned from the campus because they might pose a “danger” to public health, we’re told.
Cornell University’s “tolerance” policies extend to terrorist groups that target innocent civilians for mass death campaigns using explosive devices, but they do not extend to healthy children of parents who choose to avoid exposing their children to the toxic substances still used in vaccines in America: Mercury, aluminum, MSG, formaldehydehuman fetal tissue and superbug-producing antibiotics.

Cornell University welcomes ISIS and Hamas terror training camps for university students

Confirming all this, Cornell’s assistant dean for students, Joseph Scaffido, was caught on video welcoming “Islamic State Iraq and Syria” groups to campus, even including Hamas. Direct material support for such terror groups was also condoned by the Cornell Universityrepresentative, who said the university would be perfectly fine with student groups providing “food, water, electronics” to such terror groups.
When the undercover Project Veritas reporter asks whether it would be okay for an ISIS “freedom fighter to come and do like a training camp for students,” he was told by Scaffido:
You would be allowed to do something like that. It’s just like bringing in a coach, to do a training, a sports trainer or something…
To read the rest of this story, please click here.

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  1. pokerchip25 March, 2015, 12:51
    No, liberalism is not a mental disorder, no, of course not…
  2. messenger25 March, 2015, 12:59
    We are so f’n stupid. We are without a doubt the most absolute moronish people on planet earth. Joseph Stalin once said, “The Americans are the only people that rejoice at their own destruction.” The son-of-a-bitch was right too.
  3. BelieveActs225 March, 2015, 19:55
    Dave, I truly wonder what will it take for more to wake up? I sadly believe the answer is when whatever the “trigger event” occurs. . . and it blasts personal finances out of existence, maybe a few might “get it”, but sadly, most will be offended at God because they bought the cotton candy, sugar coated arsnic messages of the Church of the Ear-Ticklers.
    I continue to pray: Father have mercy upon YOUR people.
    Thanks for getting the truth out.
    Blessings to you and please know I’m praying for you and the others who are publically declaring the truth, in the midst of all these alphabet news lies.

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