Tuesday, March 31, 2015

☢ Fukushima Documentary 2014 HD ☢ Nuclear Exodus: Pandora's Promise Was ...

Published on Mar 25, 2014

Summary: Following the unprecedented triple meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant after Japan's 3/11 earthquake and tsunami, a myriad of far reaching questions has arisen...

What's the current state of the Fukushima nuclear reactors? How much radiation have they already released? What type of health impacts can we expect? Is our seafood supply safe? And what about the other 435 nuclear reactors around the world, 104 in the US alone - 22 of them the same exact design as those that exploded and melted down in Fukushima, are they safe?

Yet these are not easy questions to get answers to. The mainstream media and the internet are full of conflicting viewpoints & information. For example, UN scientists have already claimed that the health impacts of Fukushima will be negligible and statistically insignificant, which is parroted in CNN's documentary "Pandora's Promise". However independent scientists tell a very different story; they project on the order of a million cancers within the next few decades in Japan alone.

So how does such a massive scientific discrepancy occur?

Nuclear Exodus explores the ties that inexorably bind the nuclear power industry to the military industrial complex, and how the lust for nuclear weapons causes governments to push nuclear power on their citizens, while covering up the true health effects of radiation exposure. It delves deep into the legacy & lessons of Chernobyl, nuclear waste management, nuclear terrorism, & solar flares which could potentially trigger hundreds of nuclear meltdowns across the world - threatening life on Earth as we know it.

But can human civilization truly generate the electricity it needs without nuclear power, especially while reducing our energy dependence on fossil fuels? How far have renewable technologies come in 2014 exactly? And if some cataclysmic disaster did threaten the world, would there be anyway to realistically protect life on Earth? Could Mars actually be a feasible back up planet anytime soon?

These questions and more are explored in great depth during Nuclear Exodus: Pandora's Promise Was A Lie. (This is version 2.2, the most current and up to date version, with some important new facts, plus enhanced audio & visuals!)

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**This documentary is for educational purposes only. Contains scenes which some viewers may find very disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised. SpaceX, SolarCity, and Tesla Motors do not endorse and were not involved with the production of this documentary. This documentary was produced in accordance with fair use copyright law under US legal code Title 17 Chapter 1 §107 for educational, news, & non-profit purposes in order to promote the progress of science & useful arts.**
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alex smith Shared on Google+ · 4 months ago
must watch if you care about your children and the whole planet -
well i for one worked for years under ground in coal mines in england - and also 15 years as a moulder and technician in the foundry industry so i have seen some things that would scare you - but none of that compares to radio nuclides which will be with us for a very long time - but each to their own -
+alex smith Finally, somebody who is on the same level and understands where I am coming from!
Damn!...over 39,000 views! pathetic but still massive for anything concerning Fukushima! another couple of hundred years of contamination and toxic death and it'll get on the TV!
Gianni Love Shared on Google+ · 1 month ago
For the sake of Mother Earth...
If that part at 2:00:00 would happen... Well then

Well shit
Oh shot
Andreas S Shared on Google+ · 2 months ago
Dear Japan ↓
           Ask us. Ask us for fucking help. Ask someone, anyone..for christ sakes, just ask. I will let a japanese family live here, in my very home, and give them as much privacy as I possibly can. If everyone here in america were to let a japanese family, person, child, teenager, elderly, whomever, live with them temporarily...I'm not sure how happy they'd be, but at least they'd be safe, that's what I believe. Then you create, and send teams that'd fix things back up - over to japan to fix things up and get things back to normal - men and women who're willing to risk their lives to complete the task at hand, their race, nationality, creed, ethnicity, none of that should matter - they don't need to be japanese, as long as they know what they're doing, they're risking their lives after all, and of course the families of those whom do unfortunately die because of this should be compensated.

The reason I say I'd let a family or two live with me, even if It means I'd enjoy privacy less, or in fact anything else less, is because this isn't a japanese problem. It's a fucking human problem. It's OUR problem. It's all of ours problem. The media may beat us up, cast us aside, mock us, or shit on us in other countries, but I fucking know, I know that most people I talk to would be willing to house people if they need a place to stay. The elderly, the young, the loners, the students, actors, workers, the retired, you name it, setting aside all of the hate is one thing humans can do in times of extreme need

Just know this, japan, the world is watching, and is waiting. Japan, we love you assholes. I'm speaking for everyone and I don't give a damn. Ask for goddamn help. Not donations, but real, tangible, physical help. For a shelter to stay, food to eat, and a place to sleep - and I guarantee most people would be willing. Language isn't a barrier anymore, so there'd be no need to worry about needing things you want to get across to others translated or understood properly.

Ask us for help japan. For christ sakes.
+Tom Truth Seeker
Oh, and Tom, I'm, sorry to say but I'm an atheist, and I doubt very highly god, or any omniscient being is going to "fix" this problem magically over-night. And honestly, I'd be hard pressed to fucking find anyone who would openly and honestly believe that bullshit.
+Corinne Jordan And behind most of these men, there has been some woman supporting their evil deeds, they are just as bad.
All the world events, cumulative, morally, spiritually, and economically point to one major event prophetically.  Yeshua Jesus Messiah the Lord of lords and Kings of kings is coming back for His own. He will rule and reign and man’s self-rule will be over. Hope you’re ready and I pray you know the Father and Son. Time is almost up. Revelation 21:4 A New Heaven and a New Earth…3And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, 4and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away." 5And He who sits on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." And He said, "Write, for these words are faithful and true."… This world is not meant forever. Sin and death is its bondage. New energy, new cars, whatever, does not matter. Read Romans 8:22 along with many other verses. This earth is not meant to last long. The Sons of God in Christ will be revealed at His second coming. I love how mankind wants to hold on so tightly to this life when it’s fleeting. More stuff, more pollution, more disease no matter what we try to do. More sin and more death until Jesus returns. Energy efficient cars ok? They will need parts, recycled, and so on. More trash buried in the earth, in third world countries, and more greed. Guys, there is a new heavens and new earth coming. (2 Peter 3:7) "Christ's Coming Judgment
…6through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water. 7But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the Day of Judgment and destruction of ungodly men. 8But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.…"
The true reality is that we are the 2 Timothy 3 2 Peter 3 generation. Also Daniel 12:4 make it clear,  "But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge." The time of the end is now. The increase in a nuclear age is us, the our knowledge of end times and the increase in technology is now. In 1950 there were 2 billion on the earth. There are no over 7 billion in a generation. Also, just over 200 plus years, we have gone from wagons and carriages, to stealth bombers and nuclear weapons that make the atom bombs in world war II look like fire crackers. We have a atom smasher trying to find the "god particle" in Sweden know as the Hydrogen Collider. All prophecy is fulfilled except a very few things. Joel 2:30 speaks of great volcanic eruptions which science calls a first ever this year, "volcanic season." LOL! They don't even know what's going on. Luke 21:11 speaks of great signs and wonders in the heavens. Solar flares, mass fire balls or meteors, and strange sounds and things seen on planets. All happening at once. They are cumulative now. We have false gospels and false prophets everywhere which Peter warned us about and even Jesus said many false Christ's shall appear. They are everywhere deceiving thousands. Google them. There is the universal church movement that all paths lead to the same god, Chrislam now where Muslims and professing Christians agree on a one world religion. Also you have the prosperity gospel all about money in the church and wealth. We are modern day Babylon in America. The Vatican is Revelation 17 in Rome the whore on Seven Hills, the cup of abominations. Look at the pedophiles, the rule, the money, the corruption, and the popes who claim to be Christ in flesh. Evil beyond words, then throw in ISIS today, Revelation 20:4! Cutting beheading true Christians! Finally, the Days of Noah and Lot are here. Alien beliefs, ufo sightings increasing, black eyed beings demons appearing to the masses, fallen angels, not aliens Ephesians 6:12! Then the final Anti Christ or Imam is rising in from the black horse of death knows as ISIS and ISIL. We are there. The final hours are upon us. That is a fact, not a guess.
so whats your point..?   Pray and starve?   Be bad stewards of our garden?  Only read one book?   I'm not against Yashua Yahoo Yahwey or faith at all.  But dumbing down at the point where action intellect is necessary isn't helping
If nothing else, Fukushima should be a cautionary tale to prevent, or seriously slow down the nuclear industry.  But it isn't.  To that degree, we have all failed in our jobs as citizens.
One of the best; well documented video concerning nuclear plants, Fukushima meltdown, Chernobyl and the worst effects known to man by radioactive materials ie. Atoms. I am taken by this research and like many; I never knew the seriousness of what radioactive isotopes do. I was born in 1987 and growing up in the 90's there was a sheer bliss of ignorance concerning world wide catastrophes that I was alive to recall. My generation hasn't a clue. Yeshua wouldn't live in today's world.
MARS TV CHANNEL Shared on Google+ · 1 month ago
World must go solar instead of nuclear
I hate George Monbiot to my core. He represents the worst of greedy bought scum!
You know.  For those of us that live in conditions that would be considered peaceful, sanitary and safe.  We people take things like this for granted.  We should be well god damn thankful for living in these conditions.

As for the rest who live in woe, don't give up.  Keep moving on forward.  Leave the place if you have to when the window of opportunity presents itself.

Strive to live, live in peace.
For just a dollar a day you can help end NPP suffering...
MsMilkytheclown1 Shared on Google+ · 2 months ago
Unless we open our eyes and ask the questions needed, shall we be able, to speak out and bring change.
All nuclear power plants, should be disassembled, and shot off into the sun.
Brea Guptill Shared on Google+ · 3 months ago
☢ Fukushima Documentary 2014 HD ☢ Nuclear Exodus:…: http://youtu.be/bOelqGl2Ux0
Olagoke Ajibulu Shared on Google+ · 2 weeks ago
They shared many things: Even money! Take a look.
I cant stop crying. We knew, they knew about this. Oh lord whats to become of us because blackend hearts of greed what can i do what can we do?
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