Summary: Following the unprecedented triple meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant after Japan's 3/11 earthquake and tsunami, a myriad of far reaching questions has arisen...
What's the current state of the Fukushima nuclear reactors? How much radiation have they already released? What type of health impacts can we expect? Is our seafood supply safe? And what about the other 435 nuclear reactors around the world, 104 in the US alone - 22 of them the same exact design as those that exploded and melted down in Fukushima, are they safe?
Yet these are not easy questions to get answers to. The mainstream media and the internet are full of conflicting viewpoints & information. For example, UN scientists have already claimed that the health impacts of Fukushima will be negligible and statistically insignificant, which is parroted in CNN's documentary "Pandora's Promise". However independent scientists tell a very different story; they project on the order of a million cancers within the next few decades in Japan alone.
So how does such a massive scientific discrepancy occur?
Nuclear Exodus explores the ties that inexorably bind the nuclear power industry to the military industrial complex, and how the lust for nuclear weapons causes governments to push nuclear power on their citizens, while covering up the true health effects of radiation exposure. It delves deep into the legacy & lessons of Chernobyl, nuclear waste management, nuclear terrorism, & solar flares which could potentially trigger hundreds of nuclear meltdowns across the world - threatening life on Earth as we know it.
But can human civilization truly generate the electricity it needs without nuclear power, especially while reducing our energy dependence on fossil fuels? How far have renewable technologies come in 2014 exactly? And if some cataclysmic disaster did threaten the world, would there be anyway to realistically protect life on Earth? Could Mars actually be a feasible back up planet anytime soon?
These questions and more are explored in great depth during Nuclear Exodus: Pandora's Promise Was A Lie. (This is version 2.2, the most current and up to date version, with some important new facts, plus enhanced audio & visuals!)
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**This documentary is for educational purposes only. Contains scenes which some viewers may find very disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised. SpaceX, SolarCity, and Tesla Motors do not endorse and were not involved with the production of this documentary. This documentary was produced in accordance with fair use copyright law under US legal code Title 17 Chapter 1 §107 for educational, news, & non-profit purposes in order to promote the progress of science & useful arts.**
What's the current state of the Fukushima nuclear reactors? How much radiation have they already released? What type of health impacts can we expect? Is our seafood supply safe? And what about the other 435 nuclear reactors around the world, 104 in the US alone - 22 of them the same exact design as those that exploded and melted down in Fukushima, are they safe?
Yet these are not easy questions to get answers to. The mainstream media and the internet are full of conflicting viewpoints & information. For example, UN scientists have already claimed that the health impacts of Fukushima will be negligible and statistically insignificant, which is parroted in CNN's documentary "Pandora's Promise". However independent scientists tell a very different story; they project on the order of a million cancers within the next few decades in Japan alone.
So how does such a massive scientific discrepancy occur?
Nuclear Exodus explores the ties that inexorably bind the nuclear power industry to the military industrial complex, and how the lust for nuclear weapons causes governments to push nuclear power on their citizens, while covering up the true health effects of radiation exposure. It delves deep into the legacy & lessons of Chernobyl, nuclear waste management, nuclear terrorism, & solar flares which could potentially trigger hundreds of nuclear meltdowns across the world - threatening life on Earth as we know it.
But can human civilization truly generate the electricity it needs without nuclear power, especially while reducing our energy dependence on fossil fuels? How far have renewable technologies come in 2014 exactly? And if some cataclysmic disaster did threaten the world, would there be anyway to realistically protect life on Earth? Could Mars actually be a feasible back up planet anytime soon?
These questions and more are explored in great depth during Nuclear Exodus: Pandora's Promise Was A Lie. (This is version 2.2, the most current and up to date version, with some important new facts, plus enhanced audio & visuals!)
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**This documentary is for educational purposes only. Contains scenes which some viewers may find very disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised. SpaceX, SolarCity, and Tesla Motors do not endorse and were not involved with the production of this documentary. This documentary was produced in accordance with fair use copyright law under US legal code Title 17 Chapter 1 §107 for educational, news, & non-profit purposes in order to promote the progress of science & useful arts.**
- Standard YouTube License
Well shit
#nuclear #nuclearpower #tesla #future #hope #fukushima #fukushimanucleardisaster #nuclearwaste #nuclearwar
Ask us. Ask us for fucking help. Ask someone, anyone..for christ sakes, just ask. I will let a japanese family live here, in my very home, and give them as much privacy as I possibly can. If everyone here in america were to let a japanese family, person, child, teenager, elderly, whomever, live with them temporarily...I'm not sure how happy they'd be, but at least they'd be safe, that's what I believe. Then you create, and send teams that'd fix things back up - over to japan to fix things up and get things back to normal - men and women who're willing to risk their lives to complete the task at hand, their race, nationality, creed, ethnicity, none of that should matter - they don't need to be japanese, as long as they know what they're doing, they're risking their lives after all, and of course the families of those whom do unfortunately die because of this should be compensated.
The reason I say I'd let a family or two live with me, even if It means I'd enjoy privacy less, or in fact anything else less, is because this isn't a japanese problem. It's a fucking human problem. It's OUR problem. It's all of ours problem. The media may beat us up, cast us aside, mock us, or shit on us in other countries, but I fucking know, I know that most people I talk to would be willing to house people if they need a place to stay. The elderly, the young, the loners, the students, actors, workers, the retired, you name it, setting aside all of the hate is one thing humans can do in times of extreme need
Just know this, japan, the world is watching, and is waiting. Japan, we love you assholes. I'm speaking for everyone and I don't give a damn. Ask for goddamn help. Not donations, but real, tangible, physical help. For a shelter to stay, food to eat, and a place to sleep - and I guarantee most people would be willing. Language isn't a barrier anymore, so there'd be no need to worry about needing things you want to get across to others translated or understood properly.
Ask us for help japan. For christ sakes.
Oh, and Tom, I'm, sorry to say but I'm an atheist, and I doubt very highly god, or any omniscient being is going to "fix" this problem magically over-night. And honestly, I'd be hard pressed to fucking find anyone who would openly and honestly believe that bullshit.
…6through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water. 7But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the Day of Judgment and destruction of ungodly men. 8But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.…"
As for the rest who live in woe, don't give up. Keep moving on forward. Leave the place if you have to when the window of opportunity presents itself.
Strive to live, live in peace.