BREAKING: The Lone Star State Just Showed Obama Why You Don’t Mess With Texas
As virtually everyone knows by now, President Barack Obama unleashed his inner dictator last year when he unilaterally declared that he was changing immigration laws, effectively granting amnesty from deportation to millions of illegal immigrants.
Of course, Obama was immediately sued over his unconstitutional actions, with Texas leading half the nationagainst his illegal amnesty for illegals, scoring a round one win with a temporary injunction against the government that halted the implementation of the plans.
As could be expected, the Obama administration has appealed the injunction to the 5th Circuit Court of Appealsin New Orleans, asking for the injunction to be overturned or otherwise halted so that U.S. Customs and Immigration Services can go ahead with its implementation of amnesty.
In response, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott just filed an amicus brief with the court, joined by the governors of Louisiana, New Jersey and South Dakota, opposing the government’s efforts at overturning the injunction.
“President Obama and his lawyers have shown an alarming lack of respect for the Rule of Law throughout this entire judicial process,” a statement by Abbott said.
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Abbott continued, “I expect their request for a stay to be denied so these proceedings can continue, and I am confident the case will ultimately result in victory not only for the State of Texas, but also for the Constitution of the United States.”
According to KVEO, Abbott’s brief laid out two separate reasons why he is defending the original injunction against the government to protect the governor’s states from “irreparable injuries” caused by Obama’s plans serve as a rebuttal to the amicus brief filed by 14 states in support of Obama’s amnesty.
The brief stated that while some states may support Obama’s immigration plans, the lawsuit itself is not even really about immigration or amnesty in particular, but rather the illegal way in which Obama circumvented the Constitution and Congress to formulate and implement his amnesty plan.
The brief goes on to point out that immigration laws have been on the books for decades, and whenever changes have been made, they have been done by both the legislative and executive branches working in concert, not unilaterally.
Hopefully, the appeals court will look favorably upon Gov. Abbott’s amicus brief and rule against the administration, upholding the injunction against the implementation of amnesty, at least while the lawsuit works its way through the court system to the Supreme Court.
Please share this on Facebook and Twitter if you are closely watching this lawsuit work its way through the courts and hope that the courts rule on the side of the states and the American people.
Thursday, March 26th, 2015
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