Thursday, March 26, 2015

Navy to chaplain: You can't comfort dead sailor's family

Navy to chaplain: You can't comfort dead sailor's family

By Charlie Butts, 
navyAn embattled Navy chaplain with a stellar 19-year career continues to take a beating from his superiors, who say his counseling isn't "inclusive" enough.
Wes Modder has been a long-term Navy chaplain, a former Marine, and has received high praise for his performance. But he ran into problems with superiors when he expressed faith-based views on marriage and human sexuality in private counseling sessions. Modder, who is endorsed by the Assemblies of God, asked for a religious accommodation – but his commander denied that request and reassigned him.
Liberty Institute attorney Mike Berry tells OneNewsNow the commander issued a No Contact Order, the basic equivalent of a restraining order. Berry says when Modder received word of the death of someone in his previous unit, he got into action doing what chaplains do.
"He was told that he's not allowed to do that because of this 'no-contact' order," Berry shares. "And in fact, the unit was planning to have a memorial service coming up on Thursday and they've actually asked [Chaplain Modder] to leave the base for that day. They don't even want him in the vicinity or on the same base."
Berry describes it as "a stunning move" by the commanding officer to deny Modder "the ability to minister and provide comfort and care to the grieving." Liberty Institute CEO Kelly Shackleford considers it "a reprehensible violation of religious freedom and common human decency."
Or as Fox News' Todd Starnes puts it: "It really takes a special kind of lowlife to stop a chaplain from ministering to the family and colleagues of a dead sailor."
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  1. capricorn1Comment by capricorn1
    March 25, 2015 @ 12:20 pm
    rejection of a minister who preaches the healing word of god is not a good thing for the u.s. miltary.our military has been blessed throuh out the years with victories but not without sacrifices and gods help.
    the onslaught to remove god and jesus from america has to be stopped.
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    • freedomfighterComment by freedomfighter
      March 25, 2015 @ 3:40 pm
      When a Chaplain is no longer allowed to console the family of a person of Military service, then it is most evident that God, and Jesus Christ, as far as any official, and according to the politically correct mantra, have been displaced. With what, however?. If one Religion is not allowed to console, or give even give last rights to person of our Military, then what happens to the wounded, can a Chaplain Pray for their healing?, is this too against the rules of the, Man who single handedly, revolts against Christianity, God, and Jesus Christ?.
      When he said we are no longer a Christian Nation, he meant it. When he said he was going to fundamentally transform America, he meant it. When he slumped on hope and change, the hope is gone, the change has, and is, taking place in this Country, but that change he offered, is nothing at all what the voting public believed it to be.
      How can ANYONE, especially a Christian, stand behind this unpatriotic, Muslim, Racist, Anti Judeo-Christianity man, who has lied, deceived, and used us and this Country to further his agendas of complete destruction of us?.
      I absolutely cannot find the words, to describe the distain I have for this man, and everything he does, and does not, stand for.
      I try very hard, as a born again Christian, to see this man as just one more persecution Christians must face, but it goes so very far beyond that. He hates this Country, every white, and every American Citizen, with a burning hate, which I believe cannot possibly be quenched, IF, AND UNTIL, he is finally out of office.
      Even then, unless we get the right man in the seat, it could take tens of years, to bring this Country back, even close, to what it was before he took the reins. His destructive laws, and agendas have made a impact that will likely last far past his Presidency.
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    • davnkatzComment by davnkatz
      March 25, 2015 @ 6:31 pm
      Name the Navy commander who is doing this. Also, provide contact info (ph, local mail address, email address, etc) and home state so that commander and HIS superiors as well as political representatives can be flooded with complaints. THAT is the only way to effect a change.
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    • ltuserComment by ltuser
      March 26, 2015 @ 2:18 am
      davnkatz.. That is a damn good point. Why wasn’t this Waste of space of a commander named in this article. I also notice that the Command this chaplain is at was not mentioned.
      I hope to heck after this hits the mainstream media (if it does) that this commanders Superior removes him from his position.
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    • darralComment by darral
      March 26, 2015 @ 5:03 am
      Some say the enemy is the Terrorists, others claim it is the Demoncrats, still others say it is Obama, the facts are over %50 of America claims to be of the Judeao Christian faiths, yet over half %50 fail to vote, these attacks on those of the Christian faith, This chaplains Crime , stating that biblical teaching and belief is that Marriage is Between one man and One women, Or basic Natures laws if you will, and the Pew sitters sit, and Christian bar stoolers, Yes there are more than you think, Just sitting there, WE are losing America, America is crumbling, The Enemy is Just sitting there,
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  2. hereticComment by heretic
    March 25, 2015 @ 1:20 pm
    At a garage sale I found a small new testament Bible that was made available to Army recruits in 1941, and presented by the Army of the United States. On the front inside page there is a message from President F. D. Roosevelt:
    “The White House Washington March 6, 1941, To the members of the Army: As Commander-in-Chief, I take pleasure in commending the reading of the Bible to all who serve in the armed forces of the United States. Throughout the centuries men of many faiths and diverse origins have found in the Sacred Book words of wisdom, counsel and inspiration. It is a fountain of strength and now, as always, an aid in attaining the highest aspirations of the human soul. Very sincerely yours, (Signature) Franklin D. Roosevelt”
    In the same Bible, on the inside back page the following message comes from the Army (Navy applies here) Chief of Chaplains, William Arnold:
    “This copy of the Scriptures should initiate and promote a warm friendship between you and your chaplain. He has studied the Word of God for years and uses it daily for instruction of others. His love for the Scriptures makes him your friend and guide. When he counsels you he speaks with the knowledge and clarity found in this little volume. A soldier who knows the Word of God and honestly tries to observe His laws is a man of power and influence among his fellows and exalts his military service to the high level of religious faith, courage and loyalty. (Signature) William R. Arnold, Chief of Chaplains”
    Thus, the belief that so-called “separation of church and state” have been in our Constitution from the very beginning is false. We Americans are being defrauded by our government when Christianity is forcible being removed from our lives.
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    • ConnieComment by connie57
      March 25, 2015 @ 3:04 pm
      The comment “wall of separation between church and state” is not in the Constitution, and never has been. It was written in a private letter by Thomas Jefferson to a friend.
      The context was that at the time, the Baptist Church was rapidly expanding, seeking out converts, and building new churches. Thomas Jefferson was getting worried that Baptists would soon be the majority of voters, and might try to change the Constitution to make the Baptist Church the official American religion.
      Sometime in the 1940′s a Justice of the Supreme Court wrote that famous phrase in his brief on an issue before the court, and he implied that it was in the Constitution. It is not, and never has been. But ever since that phrase was quoted in a Supreme Court decision, most people have believed that it is in the Constitution.
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    • diamondjimComment by diamondjim
      March 25, 2015 @ 4:17 pm
      Wow! Heretic, this story, followed by your comments should be included in a letter sent to every House and Senate member in the U.S. Congress. The military brass need to have some pressure brought to bear, and members of congress, Democrat or Republican, don’t want to appear not to be supporting our troops. Many of these Dumbocrats are up for re-election in 2106, including ALL of the House members. All these guys have to do is threaten to tighten the purse strings and this **** would stop–I don’t care who the so-called “Commander in Chief”is!
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    • ltuserComment by ltuser
      March 26, 2015 @ 2:20 am
      Connie. In that case, where is the challenges against it still being there? Why is there no call to get it removed
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  3. whyaskwhyComment by whyaskwhy
    March 25, 2015 @ 1:52 pm
    No place in the article is the commander named. Why isn’t his name being thrown into the fray. It’s time these spineless jellyfish start getting the negative press they deserve.
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    • ltuserComment by ltuser
      March 26, 2015 @ 2:21 am
      Also as i mentioned above, why is the COMMAND this person is at not being mentioned.
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  4. worldwithoutComment by worldwithout
    March 25, 2015 @ 2:12 pm
    While I can’t speak to specific stories, I have a pastor friend who used to be a military chaplain. He is old me a few weeks ago that he keeps in touch with many current chaplains who have asserted that many of these stories aren’t what hey seem to be. Chaplains are not being forced to not practice their belief systems. Doesn’t mean this story isn’t true, just that there may be more to this than is being reported.
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    • JT-TexasComment by JT-Texas
      March 25, 2015 @ 3:39 pm
      I had the same impression when I read this story. It seemed to me that there were a lot of holes in it and it was not very coherent. For me, too much was missing to come to a reasoned conclusion.
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  5. milchapComment by milchap
    March 25, 2015 @ 3:24 pm
    When I was a Chaplain, I never had anybody tell me how to say anything or what to say. However, I was advised, when in a group that contained Christians and non-Christians, to invoke the name of God, rather then Jesus Christ. That is simply common sense, especially for a “non-denominational” chaplain, which ALL Protestant Chaplains are, first and foremost, supposed to be.
    I do recall Chaplains telling me that they had to remove their lapel crosses when in Saudi Arabia. I have heard that some Chaplains have been told to not have Bibles on their desks and I know that proselyting is a no-no.
    Here’s my take on the chaplaincy, from which I am retired:
    A Chaplain provides moral, ethical, and religious counsel to the troops, officers and command. As a Chaplain, I provided worship opportunities, pastoral counseling opportunities, personal counseling opportunities, professional counseling opportunities, and, many times, just a shoulder to cry on or an attentive ear to listen. I was a special staff officer to the command and was often positioned as a liaison.
    I have no idea what the Chaplain in question did to invoke the ire of his command, but the Chaplain can always seek redress up his chain. If necessary, his denominational board can attempt to intervene.
    It sounds to me as if this Chaplain got himself involved in something the command did not appreciate. Even if the Chaplain is 100% correct, he is in deep trouble.
    I was at Ft. Bragg when a German officer died while making a parachute jump. When we Chaplains discovered that he was a Roman Catholic, the Catholic Chaplain was tasked with working directly with the family while the Protestant Chaplains were indirectly involved.
    My commander did not understand why, being that I was senior to the Catholic Chaplain, I was more involved. It took a lengthy discussion between my commander and the Chaplains to explain why the Catholic Priest ministered to the Catholic family and why the Protestant Chaplains were ancillary. Fortunately, after explaining the situation, my commander decided that it was the proper thing to do. But, she still didn’t really understand.
    Good luck.
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  6. GoldminerComment by Goldminer
    March 25, 2015 @ 4:04 pm
    I concur. There has to be more to this story than is being provided so far. I do recall that often times Chaplains of the Mormon faith were ignored by other chaplains and not included in chaplaincy issues, so maybe this chaplain is of a faith group not understood?
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    • davnkatzComment by davnkatz
      March 25, 2015 @ 6:46 pm
      Allow me to enlighten you a little. I was basically reared in the Assembly of God (AOG) and even attended Southwestern Bible Institute (NOW the Southwest Assembly of God University) located in Waxahachie TX. The tenents of the AOG are basically the same as Southern Baptist. the AOG, often mislabaled and ridiculed as “holy rollers”, is the largest Pentecostal organization in the US and possibly the world. AOG and the Church og God in Christ (COGIC) share similar interpretations of the Bible. Hope that helps you understand a little better. The chaplain in question got into trouble for sharing on facebook his belief that homosexuality was condemned in the Bible. THAT tells you a lot about the commander, doesn’t it?
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  7. oldsargeComment by oldsarge
    March 25, 2015 @ 7:44 pm
    I have said this before. At the rate this is going, I believe that military chaplains and the spiritual guidance and counseling of military personnel will soon become a thing of the past. It wouldn’t surprise me if the President orders the dismissal of all military chaplains from military service by the end of this term, with the exception of those of the Islamic faith.
    There are 26 Senators who are Catholic and 55 are Protestant Christians. That is 81 per-cent of the Senate that are Christian. There are 138 Representatives that are Catholic and 251 that are Protestant Christians. That is 80.4 per-cent of the House that are Christian. If all the Christian politicians in Congress put aside the party affiliations and joined together, they could put a stop to this. Instead they have either jumped on the band wagon or are sitting back and doing nothing. This is what we get with professional politicians. They are more concerned with the next election so the good of the people, or doing what is right, is way down on their priority list if it is there at all.
    This is all they care about. “$”
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  8. ltuserComment by ltuser
    March 26, 2015 @ 3:06 am
    Saw this over on the Mil times forum..
    “A Pentecostal chaplain once assigned to elite Navy SEAL units may be kicked out of the Navy for allegedly scolding sailors for homosexuality and premarital sex.
    Lt. Cmdr. Wesley Modder was given a “detachment for cause” letter on Feb. 17 after his commanders concluded that he is “intolerant” and “unable to function in the diverse and pluralistic environment” of his current assignment at the Navy Nuclear Power Training Command in South Carolina.
    Modder denies any wrongdoing and is fighting the dismissal with attorneys from the Liberty Institute, which advocates for religious expression in the military and in public institutions. Modder has served more than 19 years and could lose his retirement benefits if the Navy convenes a board of inquiry and officially separate him before he completes 20 years of service.
    Navy Capt. Jon Fahs, NNPTC commander, cited several specific incidents in which Modder offered inappropriate counseling to sailors in the command, according to the detachment for cause letter. The letter states that Modder:
    •Told a female that she was “shaming herself in the eyes of god” for having premarital sex.
    •Told another student that homosexuality was wrong and that “the penis was meant for the vagina and not for the anus.”
    •Suggested to a student that he, Modder, had the ability to “save” gay people.
    Cont next post.
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    • ltuserComment by ltuser
      March 26, 2015 @ 3:09 am
      For some reason, its not letting me continue the rest, nor post a link for the article.
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  9. roadkill58Comment by roadkill58
    March 26, 2015 @ 6:20 am
    It may be the dead sailor’s family does not wish for this Chaplain to be involved in the memorial. This article does not go into detail enough. If my son or daughter died in the line of duty the last thing I’d want was for Obama to somehow get involved but then I wouldn’t complain about him not getting involved.
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    • ltuserComment by ltuser
      March 26, 2015 @ 2:16 pm
      If that was all it is, then why is the chaplain being forced to leave the BASE itself while the Memorial is going on.
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