Putin Security Council Slams Obama Attempts At "New World Order"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/25/2015 18:35 -0400
Moscow — which may or may not have to nuke Denmark — says the US has adopted a national security strategy that is decidedly anti-Russian. Although attempts to prove how “isolated” Putin truly is on the geopolitical stage haven’t fared very well of late (what with Russian bombers refueling at former U.S. air bases and Putin plotting Eurasian currency unions) and although Washington’s experience with China’s AIIB membership drive seems to indicate it may be the US that is in fact isolated, The Kremlin doesn’t think The White House is likely to give up on its attempts to ostracize Russia any time soon.
From a Russian Security Council statement entitled "About The US National Security Strategy":
In the long term, the United States, in cooperation with its allies will continue the policy of political and economic isolation of Russia, including limiting its ability to export energy and the displacement of all markets for military products, while making it difficult for the production of high-tech products in Russia.
Putin's security council then proceeds to deliver a remarkably accurate description of Washington’s foreign policy aims including the desire to show off NATO military capabilities (on full display along the Russian border currently), installing puppet governments and propping them up with financial and military support (which is precisely what’s going on now in Ukraine as the US is set to provide military assistance and also financial assistance via a Ukrainian bond issue back by the full faith and credit of the US government), and preserving US hegemony by taking unilateral action across the globe at Washington’s behest (something the US does all the time):
The Strategy emphasizes the US desire to proceed with the formation of a new global economic order. A special place in this order should take a Trans-Pacific Partnership and transatlantic trade and investment partnership that will enable the US central position in the free trade zones, covering two-thirds of the world economy.The armed forces are considered as the basis of US national security and military superiority is considered a major factor in the American world leadership. While maintaining the continuity of the plants to use military force unilaterally and anywhere in the world, as well as to maintain a military presence abroad...Significant efforts by the US and its allies will be directed to the formation of anti-Russian policy states, with which Russia has established partnership relations, as well as to reduce Russian influence in the former Soviet Union.Continue the policy of preserving the global dominance of the United States, increasing the combat capabilities of NATO, as well as to strengthen the US military presence in the Asia-Tihokeanskom region. Military force will continue to be considered as the primary means of ensuring national security and interests of the United States.Becoming more widespread to eliminate unwanted US political regimes acquire advanced technology "color revolutions" with a high probability of their application in relation to Russia.Thus, the strategy was developed on the basis of American exceptionalism, the right to take unilateral action to protect and promote the interests of the United States in the world and bears the active anti-Russian charge.
So all in all, the Kremlin looks to be hilariously spot-on with this assessment. Here’s a bit more from Russian News:
Russian Security Council specialists say that by and large the US Strategy is based on the principle of US exclusiveness and assertion of the right to take unilateral action to press for US interests around the world and has a strong anti-Russian thrust.Regarding the relationship Russia, the Security Council believes it is likely that the United States plans to continue its policy aimed at isolating Russia in the long term, including by imposing restrictions on opportunities of exports of oil and gas.
Uh oh Washington, it looks like they're on to you.
(53 votes)
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 13:37 | 5925975no more banksters
'Putin is Back'
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 13:39 | 5925986l1b3rty
If Putin gets his way, US municipalities will be mining shit for gold...https://www.goldsilverbitcoin.com/will-governments-turn-to-mining-gold-f...
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 13:43 | 5926005astoriajoe
you say that like its a bad thing.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 13:48 | 5926035strannick
America ruins the world to rule it.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 13:56 | 5926078Thirst Mutilator
And 'America' has been hijacked by?
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 14:12 | 5926160Think for yourself
Ignorance, pride and conceit.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 14:16 | 5926177Thirst Mutilator
Funny ~ It wasn't always that way before the money counterfeitters showed up...
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 14:28 | 5926230whotookmyalias
Putin is a thug, but at least he doesn't deny it. And he has a good point when he opposes the new world order. The big question is whether he would be this outspoken if Russia was part of or even leading the new world order. That's how you separate the boys from the men.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 14:43 | 5926286RU-GAY2
Dear Mr. Putin and Mr. Obama,
We have already established a Bit-World Order and no longer require your services.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 14:50 | 5926315Thirst Mutilator
Global Corporate HQ ^^^
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 15:48 | 5926525whotookmyalias
All you people with a crush on Putin should really spend a bit more time in the real world.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 16:05 | 5926611Max Steel
aren't usa regime dunghill rats living in delusion ?
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 16:07 | 5926623RU-GAY2
Millions will yawn resisting the BWO!
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Thu, 03/26/2015 - 06:21 | 5928436GetZeeGold
already established a Bit-World Order
What is the symbol for bitcoins on the periodic table?
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Thu, 03/26/2015 - 15:22 | 5930599Fourmyle
Being mathematically based , Au * -1^.5
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 16:12 | 5926645TheFourthStooge-ing
All you people who keep repeating that Putin is a thug should provide some credible* examples of said thuggery instead of just repeating what you've been told to think.
* credible would not include discredited rumors, smears, and canards, such as polonium poisonings, dioxin poisonings, $40 billion hidden fortunes, thefts of super bowl rings, 'annexation' of Crimea, and anything by Masha Gessen.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 16:20 | 5926696Bunghole
But he hates gays and they have funny toilets in Sochi.
The media told me so.
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Thu, 03/26/2015 - 10:53 | 5929444Titus
God I hate Maria Gessen. She's got the LBGT fanaticism tied up in the Ashkanazi fanaticism with a good dash of cunt thrown in.
She plays the Jew pity party harder than anyone. Jon Stewart even groveled to her, saying "you're people have gone through so much".
That bitch is one of the worst outright fictional propagandists.
Super Khazar Cunt.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 16:54 | 5926830Augustus
Typical for a Paid Puutie Puppy.
Nuukie Puutie can't be a thug because invading a neighbor, killing the opposition, stealing from guests is just normal for a Russian Totalitarioan.
Dog whistle must have scared the logic from you.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 18:50 | 5927215Fun Facts
well stated in Hasbaraglish.
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Thu, 03/26/2015 - 03:15 | 5928336anonymice
Can you tell me where I can get paid?
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 19:05 | 5927249BigJim
All you people who keep repeating that Putin is a thug should provide some credible* examples of said thuggery instead of just repeating what you've been told to think.
Putin probably is a thug. He's the leader of a nuclear power. And the Russians weren't very nice in Chechnya, as I recall.
However, he's Russians' problem. He's not the one who will be throwing me into a cage for smoking the wrong kind of plant, or taxing me at 40% on value I created, or kissing Netanyahu's ass and gifting a shitload of weapons to Israel so they can incinerate some more Arab kids. He hasn't been fomenting revolution here, there, and everywhere and overthrowing governments to install puppets. And - unlike Bliar, Brown, Bush, Obama and Cameron - I'm not obliged to listen to his prattling all day on our Pravdas.
Our murderous clowns make Putin look Statesmanlike... but that doesn't mean he isn't what he is - a ruthless leader. Is he better for ordinary Russians than the previous leaders? Almost certainly. Is he keen on military adventurism? Doesn't seem to be. So, as leaders go, he gets a pass from me.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 21:51 | 5927806BlindMonkey
"And the Russians weren't very nice in Chechnya, as I recall."
But they went a long way to rooting out the wahabbis. Can the US say that about any of the gazillion muzzie wars that they have fought?
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Thu, 03/26/2015 - 04:10 | 5928360Ghordius
"However, he's (Putin) Russians' problem."
not quite only Russian. the article starts with thecharming message the Russian Ambassador in Denmark had regarding missile shields, Danish naval vessels and nuclear exchanges
fact is that Russia has a resurgent nationalism. the phenomenon of nationalism as such seems sometimes to be a bit of a blind spot for many ZH commenters
our dear TheFourthStooge...Ing is fond of painting a picture of Putin or the Kremlin as the only "adults around". Sure, he is right, there is a lot of bullshit being spread about Russia. But this bullshit is being spread about nearly everything, too
there are two ways to cope with resurgent nationalism: eitherriding it, or stemming against it. the first is harder, and costs support (i.e. political capital)
imho Putin and his government prefer to ride it. his choice, but our problem in Europe. a problem we faced many times, then if a military power rejects the existing status-quo borders, it is usually very vague about where the futureborders ought to be
so... no. I am very happy of reading 4thStooge setting factsright. But I disagree on the Russian government being "the only adults around". This is pure imperialism, the straight continuation of Imperial Tsarist policies
Having Russian Nationalists talking about "NovoRussyia" andnot saying anything against it is riding nationalism and imperialism... against previous solemn promises (aka treaties)
Crimea is all about projection of power abroad. It is a nationalist and imperialist move. It's the Great Game. I can accept this... traditionalism, but not the claim of "the only adults around"
Russia feeling encircled is nothing new, btw. The search for a "breakout" towards a warm-water harbour was the main driver for the Great Game. Britain's biggest fear (real or imagined) was that Russia would invade India or Persia (today's Iran) or the whole ME in order to reach that goal
We western europeans would prefer a softer, morecooperative approach. We would also prefer the US to be less aggressive, though. And from a western continental european point of view, we would prefer to have the UK being less aggressive, too
meanwhile... Russia is our problem, too
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Thu, 03/26/2015 - 07:57 | 5928544Multi
bla bla... Russian nationalism... bla bla... imperial tsarists policies... bla bla... Russia is our problem.
Who do you think you fool?
The US Government (with help from Western Europe) has been the ONLY power meddling in everybody else business worldwide by force. From soft power: CIA, PSYOPs, selective assassinations, government overthrows, and so on; to hard power: direct military invasion of other countries. Since AT LEAST several decades ago it's the ONLY ONE doing it in a global scale (the soviets were playing the game also up until the eighties).
Seriously, who do you think you fool?
The US Government is the ONLY actual threat to worldwide peace in recent history. Which is a paradox, because Americans are the nicest and most respectful people I've ever met (I know "All generalizations are false"). And by the way, I assume you're from Europe, Americans are way WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY more polite than Europeans, who don't know how to greet people when entering in a room, or say some very basic things like "excuse me ...", "... thank you", "oh, I'm sorry" (I'm talking day-to-day interactions).
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 16:20 | 5926698RU-GAY2
All you people with a crush on Putin should really spend a bit more time in the real world.
And all you people still denying the glory of Satoshi should spend a bit more time in the virtual world.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 23:44 | 5928104Anusocracy
And you should nail gun to death all your monkey brain cells that are causing you to be so stupid and useless.
Putin isn't our problem, idiots with your mindset who elect psychopathic subhumans all over the world are the problem.
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Thu, 03/26/2015 - 04:27 | 5928368roddy6667
I hope you are not including America in your definition of "real world".
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 15:55 | 5926546RU-GAY2
So you will be disposing of your computer at the end of the day since you have no respect for the engineers, technologists and technicians who make the modern world possible?
No, I didn't think so reject....
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 23:49 | 5928119Anusocracy
The modern world is a total clusterfuck thanks to idiot engineers, technologists, and technicians who work with and for government.
They are not smart enough to understand the consequences of their actions.
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Thu, 03/26/2015 - 06:27 | 5928440winchester
technology is our doom.
it is killing education, it is liquidating brains and ability to think by ourself, it ruins the culture.
technology is enslaving.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 16:02 | 5926590Herd Redirectio...
He who can destroy (the world) can control (the world).
"Don't believe me? Just watch"
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 14:58 | 5926340tocointhephrase
When a "bit" is backed up by an oz at the other end you maybe onto something otherwise you have established yet more fiat. Ps say hi to Max for me!
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 15:09 | 5926390tocointhephrase
Failed In Actually Transacting
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 15:53 | 5926540RU-GAY2
Clearly, you have no clue what "fiat" actually means....
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 15:59 | 5926572Bunghole
Clearly, Foneystar has no sense of humor.
A semen rich diet will do that to you.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 16:04 | 5926587RU-GAY2
The only seamen are the sailors who have used your Bunghole...
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 16:26 | 5926732Bunghole
It's nice, yes?
Do a Google image search for my avatar so your mom can have a full size image to rub herself off to.
Mom!!!! Hot Pocket and Capri Sun, stat!
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 17:26 | 5926943RU-GAY2
You're nothing but another pro-Fed ZH retard. So stick that inside your Bunghole...
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Thu, 03/26/2015 - 00:00 | 5928132angel_of_joy
Fuck Off ! You're soo gay...
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 19:57 | 5927451FMOTL
BC and PM girls scratching eyes and pulling hair. Central bankers kickin back with a cigar and a smile . Divide and conquer bitchez or my enemy,s enemy is my friend , which is it to be my awakened bitchez ?
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 15:55 | 5926548Condition 1SQ
Haha, I think I just bit-puked in my mouth. RU, how bad of an assfucking did you get in your Bitcoin investment? Not that you wouldn't enjoy it ..
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 16:04 | 5926602RU-GAY2
Bought almost all my ch3@p c0inZ at < $50 retard.....
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 16:18 | 5926682Condition 1SQ
Haha, sure you did, kiddo. All $50 worth.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 16:21 | 5926702RU-GAY2
Yep, and it's all documented here on the archive server moron...
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Thu, 03/26/2015 - 01:24 | 5928249PhilofOz
....and held on to it all while it dropped from $1200 to $250.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 16:13 | 5926650where_is the_nuke
Don't know whether Putin is thug or not but bitcoin is pure bullshit.
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 16:16 | 5926669RU-GAY2
and ZH readers are retards.... the same type of people who said the personal computer "is a fad".
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 17:33 | 5926970NoDecaf
Why are you such a disruptive faggot? Can't you just make your point in one or two posts? Why go on and on like a douche bag with a hormonal imbalance?
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Wed, 03/25/2015 - 17:49 | 5927040RU-GAY2
Because it's fun bugging you dumbass hypocrites?
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