Saturday, March 28, 2015

“End Is Near”: Rev. Graham’s Chilling Warning About Obama Needs to Be Spread Everywhere

“End Is Near”: Rev. Graham’s Chilling Warning About Obama Needs to Be Spread Everywhere

Rev. Franklin Graham, the no-nonsense, straightforward son of evangelist Billy Graham, recently took to Facebook with a warning that progressives like President Barack Obama and outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder are “one of the greatest threats to America.”
Graham’s Facebook post immediately went viral, as it explained that the progressive leaders “are trying to impose a new morality — which is really no morality at all” and are accomplishing that by “jamming it down the throats of the American people.”
“America has been blessed by God more than any nation on the face of this earth. When our country was birthed, its foundations and laws were based on biblical laws and principles. We used to be ‘one nation under God,’ now we’re a nation that has turned its back on God,” Graham warned in his critical post.
This isn’t the first time Graham has warned America of Obama’s evil and the potential consequences that Christians in the United States may eventually suffer because of it.
Graham spoke earlier this month about Obama’s hate for Israel and Christianity, warning of a coming storm that would lead to further persecution of Christians.
“We’re going to see persecution in this country, because our president is very sympathetic to Islam,” Graham said in an appearance on the “700 Club.”
In the same interview, he pointed to the growing Islamic influence in the nation’s capital from the disturbing number of Muslim officials under Obama’s command.
His recent Facebook post should serve as a dire warning that unless conservatives ban together and elect a leader with solid Christian principles, our country may be near the end of its greatness.
“History shows that when nations do this, their end is near,” Graham wrote in his post, concerning America turning its back on God (H/T Truth Revolt).
Thankfully, we have men like Graham who aren’t afraid to speak out against the evil that men like Obama and Holder continue to impose on this nation.

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