Tuesday, March 31, 2015



 | March 31, 2015 18 Comments


“For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.” 1 Thessalonians 2:13 (KJV)
The bible, as written by God, is a funny book, and will allow you to come to any conclusion you wish to arrive at, based on your belief in Him and in it. But as quoted in the above scripture, without the belief in what God wrote as complete truth, it simply will not work to any effect within you. Belief is the key which unlocks the mysteries of the bible. The more you believe in God’s word, the more His Holy Spirit will open the pages of His word unto you. That said, Bill O’Reilly is not a believer in the bible, as we will show from his own statements.
Killing Jesus? More like slander if you ask me.
Bill O’Reilly is a very smart man by academic standards, and certainly by any worldly measure he has been astonishingly successful. He has become a millionaire many times over on what is arguably the highest-rated cable news show of all time, The O’Reilly Factor. His books are best sellers from the day they are released. Just try matching him in that some time soon, or any time soon. Bill dominates. Totally.
But when it comes to matters of the bible, and what it does or does not say, Bill is lamentably in over his head from the get-go. In defending the new NatGeo television seriesbased on his book “Killing Jesus”, Bill reveals for us in 1:44 seconds that he is not a bible believer and neither is he a bible understander.


“If you want to believe that Jonah was swallowed by the whale, fine, but don’t demand that I believe it too”. He then went on to say that saying Jesus taught Adam and Eve, and Jonah and the whale as literal history is “entirely false, that is wrong, that never happened“.
In a few brief sentences, Bill has branded Jesus Christ Himself as a misinformed liar who had no idea what He was talking about. Why do I say this? Because Jesus said this about the “literalness” of Jonah:
“For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Matthew 12:40 (KJV)


Think about that for a second, Bill. If Jesus is comparing Jonah’s plight in the whale to His journey on the cross, and you say that Jonah never actually entered the whale, then did Jesus mean to say that He never really spent 3 days and night in the ‘heart of the earth’ and pay for our sins? Is Jesus on the cross an allegory as well?
You cannot have it both ways. Something cannot be both an allegory and literal truth at the same time. Does the bible contain allegory? Yes, of course it does. But when you allegorize literal, historical events that occur in the bible, you render them to be untruth. Did an actual Jonah get swallowed by a literal whale? Jesus said he did, Bill O’Reilly says he did not.
The best-selling book and now highly-watched National Geographic mini-series “Killing Jesus” will have two main effects. First, their success will make rich people richer. Secondly, it will weaken the faith of people in the bible by reducing literal, historical, biblical facts into motivational stories that don’t really matter if they are true because they bring a “good message”.
“God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.” Romans 3:4 (KJV)
Well, memo to you, Bill…if the bible is not 100% true, if the historical accounts in there did not actually happen as the bible says it happened, then it’s the most useless book ever written. If you can say Jonah never got swallowed by the whale, even though Jesus says he did, then on what basis do you then say that Jesus actually went to the cross and literally paid for our sins? Are you now the great arbiter of what the bible really says, and what really did or did not happen within it’s pages?
Bill, you are definitely a patriot, but when it comes to the bible you are also a pinhead. Any time you wish to debate the veracity (our word of the day) of the bible, please contact me.
And that’s the top story…


NTEB is run by end times author and editor-in-chief Geoffrey Grider. Geoffrey runs a successful web design company, and is a full-time minister of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. In addition to running NOW THE END BEGINS, he has a dynamic street preaching outreach and tract ministry team in Saint Augustine, FL.


  1. gumply says:
    Bill O’Reilly is a big mouth, jackass so nothing he says surprises me. Wont it be a sight when we see him down on his face claiming that Yeshua is he Messiah. For someone that believes himself to be so intelligent it is funny to see him act like a fool.
  2. Kristi Ann says:
    I did not watch this movie and I do not like Bill O’Reilly at all!!
    Yeshua-Jesus Christ LOVES Ye All Everyone Forever!! YESHUA-JESUS CHRIST is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, NO one comes unto the FATHER, but through ME ( YESHUA-JESUS )!! Thus: YESHUA-JESUS CHRIST is the only WAY to enter into HEAVEN!!
    Love Always and Shalom Everyone, YSIC \o/
    Kristi Anne
  3. You don’t need to read the book or watch the TV series, just watch this video and you will hear everything you need to know of how Bill O’Reilly views the bible.
  4. glenn dupuis says:
    I heard him when he made those comments and then when people e mailed him and said they hadn’t understood the Bible until they read Killing Jesus he was so proud.He says he is a Catholic and attended Catholic schools and Harvard.Both in my opinion as a Christian are questionable in matters of the Bible.However,he won’t answer my e mails because I have called him a fence straddler,especially when it comes to Obama.But as far as his understanding of scriptures,it is just like everything else in this egomaniacs agenda.Bill said it,it must be true!
  5. Carolyn Beachley says:
    I only watch him occasionally, now I won’t watch him at all. Credibility is crucial & he has lost his. No one is higher than our Savior Jesus Christ our Lord, everything is in His hands & so I do not fear what will inevitably occur as the Bible says. I will stand with my God & He will save me & his true followers. Satan may walk the world but his days are short. As the Lord says we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. God bless.
  6. Twclark66 says:
    I am tired of the Catholic takeover of all things Christian. The FOX 666 network owned by a Knight of Malta, Papal lackey, promotes Jesuit Papal views which are the same as Mystery Babylon. O’Reilly and his Jesuit co-writer are just doing their end times great deception setup. Chrislam is the objective of the Jesuits and they need Jesus to take a back seat to the Mahdi. The title is correct, they plan on “Killing Jesus” at his second coming but they won’t. So Bill O’Reilly will have to answer for leading many astray with his Pope that doesn’t think you need a personal relationship with Christ. The media will always lead you away from Christ. So beware when the media promotes some great Christian movie, it is a lie.
  7. Jeremy Thompson says:
    Who is Bill O Reilly. Never heard of him or any of his published work. The fact that he is supposedly famous in the US shows that any idiot can make it there.
  8. laura kelso says:
    Thank you for a great review on Oreillys “Killing Jesus” title.
  9. Pat Robertson says:
    Guess he’ll find out how true it is one day.
  10. PassengerOnGodsFlight says:
    The movie was a huge disappointment and mr orielly Missed the who point of Jesus life !!!
  11. ML Chambers says:
    Believe it or not, God is not upset by Bill O’Reilly’s comments. I bought the ebook and watched the broadcast and both were full of omissions and inaccuracies. However, if either one causes someone to look to Almighty God for the Truth, then they were not a waste. The Holy Spirit can take what is true and make it perspicuous to the unbeliever. John 3:16 is enough. In addition, the fish that swallowed Jonah was not said to be a whale, but a fish prepared by God Himself. People, like Bill O’Reilly, who attempt to limit God ( Who is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent) to what they understand of science, are nothing but silly. They have attempted to take what must be accepted by faith, and filtered it through Satan’s plan to prove he can be like the “Most High’. As to this being the last days: there is no prophecy that had to be fulfilled from the Ascension and the rapture. Only God knows. However, in view of the fact that the USA is going down in the 5th cycle of discipline and no other country seems to be ready to take our place… Well, who knows?
  12. sola scriptura says:
    Jesus says to his Father in John 17:17, “Sanctify them in thy truth: thy word is truth.” Either the Bible is true (absent parables) or it is not. Jesus Christ, the one who is God and through whose blood we are saved, says it is truth…therefore, I believe. Jesus himself refers back Jonah, Noah and Adam when he was on earth. Thus, those stories are true. The world hates the true word of God because it is a sharp double-edged sword judging the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. It hurts to see our sin…yet if we surrender those sins at the foot of the cross, repent and turn our hearts to Jesus, then we live with him forever. I recommend that all of us eat, drink and breathe the written word, which is inhabited by the living Word and the Holy Spirit. That is the only way to test what is true and what are lies in this age of greedy, deceptive, fleshly false teachers. Below is a link to an article which sets forth everything that the written word is:
  13. Peggy Freund says:
    I hope you or someone sends this to Bill….I pray he will ‘get’ it…it’s not about his ‘religion’, it’s about ‘let God be true and every man a liar’ ….unless he knows what the Bible says in entirety and believes it as God’s truth he is open to being deceived by the world, the flesh, and the devil.
  14. jeff ludwig says:
    The Word tells us we must be born again. Hear that Bill? Time to stop looking at your ratings, and start having faith in Jesus. Great post Geoff. Thanks a lot.
  15. Christopher Chipps says:
    Since the devil is doing all he can to make people disbelieve the Bible, I’m sure “Killing Jesus” is something no Christian should want to have anything to do with, and as far as Bill O’Reilly goes, who does he think he is? As far as I’m concerned, he is a stooge of the devil, and one day he will find out just how historically true and accurate the Bible is. He needs prayed for.



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