Obama Authorizes First Wave Of 9,000 UN-Approved Muslim Immigrants For US Resettlement
Give me your poor, tired, huddled masses yearning to live in America under Sharia Law
Barack Obama has only two years left in his reign as America’s king, but boy oh boy is he planning on getting some stuff done. The US Department of State announced on its website that the Obama administration has approved over 9,000 Syrian Muslim immigrants, hand-selected by the United Nations, for admission into the United States as residents.
The Obama administration assures us that these “poor, displaced peoples” have been hand-picked by the United Nations. Of that, I am 100% sure he is telling the truth.
For all you bright scholars out there, do the math. If 9,000 Muslim immigrants from Syria are let loose in the United States, how many of those 9,000 are either terrorist or have terror ties? And 9,000 is just the very beginning. The State Department clearly acknowledges that this number will surge dramatically in 2015 and beyond.
Aside from the obvious terror implications, what will all this resettlement cost per year? And here’s a better question – how come Obama didn’t resettle the displaced Christian refugees from Iraq? Now that is a question I would like an answer to…
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