Sunday, September 27, 2015

Something Did Happen in September & Jonathan Cahn issues Shemitah update

Prophecy News Weekly Featured

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Something Did Happen in September CONTRIBUTOR: . While We were Sleeping... The Monday-morning armchair QBs are already writing off the month of September, 2015, as a non-event. The Shemitah didn't go as some thought it would. The Day of Atonement passed and lightning didn't strike us all dead. The ecomony didn't implode. The MRAP full of armed...

Busted! The Earth's Prophetic Timeline Was Created by The Fallen! CONTRIBUTOR: . From the Sumerian Tablets to the Bible the Fallen have manipulated the World's timeline through the Letter. The entire purpose of the Letter is to prepare the World to be slavishly obedient to their jewish masters in a new world order, where the bloodline of the serpent seed will have...

Jonathan Cahn issues Shemitah update CONTRIBUTOR: . I believe it important to give a Shemitah update. I have given warning concerning judgment. I have said that I believe America is rapidly advancing toward calamity – that we have crossed the line in our apostasy and defiance of God. I’ve warned that if America continues in its present...

He As god Sits in The Temple Of God - The Fourth Kingdom & The Greatest Period Of Deception Known To Man!! Only The Elect Will Not Be Deceived!! CONTRIBUTOR: . He As god Sits in The Temple Of God The Beast will set up his headquarters in the holy mountain, which is in Jerusalem. During the time of the Great Tribulation, Jerusalem is referred to spiritually, as Sodom and Egypt (Rev 11:8). Contrary to the popular teachings of a...

Incredible Video: Prophetic Events from This Month...What's Next? (2015 Update) CONTRIBUTOR: . There's no doubt that something is going on worldwide! Prophetic events, new world order, martial law, global headlines, the big event something is about to happen. Prophecy has now begun... what is going on? Incredible video compilation of what has happened this month! Thanks for takin’ the time to check...

Is There Anyone Here Who Does NOT See This?

CONTRIBUTOR: . Can anyone read Chapter 11, verses 40-45 of the Book of Daniel and NOT see that what is emerging here is a conflict between the “king of the North” and the “kings of the East” (Revelations 16:12 but “tidings from the East” in Chapter 11, verse 44 of the Book...


CONTRIBUTOR: . 43 WHICH TEMPLE DOES THE BEAST SIT? This article is a posted comment on a previous post by destinedtoberevealed entitled: Mystery Solved!!! The Identity of Mystery Babylon Is Revealed- End Times Revelations Revealed. The redeemed, righteous person is the temple of God. The Holy Spirit, as a down payment...

“False Prophet” in Philadelphia: Epitaph On A Civilization

CONTRIBUTOR: . “Write to the angel of the church in Philadelphia...‘Now I am going to make the [Pharisaical] synagogue of Satan [Updated: anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews]—those who profess to be Jews [Updated: “those who profess to be” followers of Jesus], but are liars, because they are no such thing’...” Revelations 3:7...9 The...

“False Prophet” & “False Prophet”

CONTRIBUTOR: . Look. Anyone can say that Pope Francis is the “false prophet” referred to in Chapter 16, verse 13 of the Revelation of John. Anyone. In fact, there are probably hundreds, if not thousands of people on the Internet who have made precisely such a trivial accusation over...

Sixth Church & Sixth Seal: Revelation, Jungian Archetypes And the ‘Blood Moon’

CONTRIBUTOR: . With “false prophet” Pope Francis being in Philadelphia, which is the name of the Sixth Church in the Revelation of John; that is, the church signifying false doctrine—and on the same day, no less, as what is referred to as the ‘Blood Moon’—it is only natural to point out what...

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