Sunday, September 27, 2015

Is Believing Enough or Do You Need Hope and Oxygen, Too?

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Is Believing Enough or Do You Need Hope and Oxygen, Too?

CONTRIBUTOR: . Surviving divorce, raising children and starting over is something Katie Kelley Detmer understands all too well. San Antonio, TX (USA), September 25, 2015 -- Katie Kelley Detmer is an emerging author and speaker looking to touch those around her with a message of faith, family and hope. Detmer always wanted...

Chicornate Sales Manager Talks About Chicornate Dress Business

CONTRIBUTOR: . Saving money on the wedding is possibly by substituting those expensive items with something more affordable but with equal quality. And one can start it from the wedding dresses. Along with joy and excitements it has, a wedding could also bring frustrations to everyone involved, especially the bride-to-be. This...

Single Women in Portland Turn to Oregon Dating Consultants for Real Love! CONTRIBUTOR: . Portland, Oregon, September 26, 2015 Many single women in Portland are tired of failed attempts at finding real love and feeling down on their romantic luck, but Oregon dating consultants are helping them turn things around this fall.  The matchmaking and dating experts know how frustrating it can be...

Los Angeles Matchmakers Are Helping High Caliber Singles Find Love in LA! CONTRIBUTOR: . Los Angeles, California, September 25, 2015 Everyone knows that looking for love in LA can be exhausting, especially for single men and women who are busy with their careers, families, and involved with the community.  Searching for ‘the one’ can consume a lot of someone’s life, and when all...

Discover How Executive Single Men Are Finding Love in Pittsburgh! CONTRIBUTOR: . Pittsburgh, PA, September 25, 2015 Between running a successful business and taking care of oneself, finding time to date and meet a worthwhile partner can feel like mission impossible.  Work demands and other time constraints make it impossible for business owners and busy executives to meet new people and...

Upscale Philadelphia Matchmakers Are Creating a Path to Happily-Ever-After! CONTRIBUTOR: . Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 25, 2015 For many people, marriage is the ultimate goal, and those who are looking for a serious relationship have always dreamed of walking down the aisle with their special someone.  But in today’s fast-paced world, finding the time to date and meet a compatible partner...

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