on Terror News Weekly Featured
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. Tomorrow is the beginning of GRID EX III. Many have contacted me believing
that November 18th will mark the beginning of a devastating false flag event in
which the power grid will be taken down. I have to admit, that just like Paris,
the 7/7 London Bombings, the Boston...
on terror” is a hidden geopolitical project carried out under a bogus
counter-terrorism plan, Canadian author Professor Michel Chossudovsky thinks.
Reported by the renowned Canadian economist and author Michel Chossudovsky,
Washington’s widely-discussed “war on terror” is nothing less...
. Dave Hodges interviewed Dr. Ted Broer about how America has come under
God’s judgment. Is America done? Find out all the ways that America is
committing suicide. Dr. Broer believes that many false flag events are right
around the corner. Listen to Dr. Broer...
. Массированный удар самолетами Дальней авиации по объектам инфраструктуры
ИГИЛ в Сирии Massive airstrike on ISIS objects in Syria carried out by
long-range bombers of the Russian Aerospace Forces...
. In an ongoing atempt to intimidaete world leaders and wreak havoc across
Europe, terrorists allegedlt planted a truck loaded with explosives outside of
aa soccer stadium where Angela Merkle was slated to watch a socce game between a
German Soccer Team and. a Dutch team. Public radio noted the connection...
. From The Ramparts &nb... Ricardo Stanton &nb... Believe The Hype
&nb... "How many false flags in recent history have all had the same
feature: drills at the same time at the same (or a nearby) place? 21st Century
Wire reports that Dr. Patrick Pelloux was...
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