Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Bible Believer Asks The Question ‘When Does Life Begin?’

Global Unrest News Weekly Featured

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Should the GOP Fight Obama on Gun Control?

A Bible Believer Asks The Question ‘When Does Life Begin?’

CONTRIBUTOR: . What is life? In essence, mankind has only three designations. In his physical state, he is either born or unborn. And, in his spiritual state, he is either regenerated or lost We all know that life begins at conception. But, is that the end of the matter? Should we stop there...

Media: Russia Increasing Its Aviation Group to Include 100 Strike Aircraft

Media: Russia Increasing Its Aviation Group to Include 100 Strike Aircraft CONTRIBUTOR: . AND SO IT ESCALATES SOURCE : SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence can’t confirm this information. Furthermore, such reports are well coordinated with the Western experts’ statements that Russia should start a ground operation because the Syrian forces supposedly aren’t able to get any success against ISIS and ‘moderate rebels’. The...

Pope Francis Declares That ‘Christians And Muslims Are Brothers And Sisters’

CONTRIBUTOR: . Pope Francis is trying to sell you the ‘gospel’ of Chrislam, don’t you believe it for a second Pope Francis is not speaking the truth when he says that ‘Christians and Muslims are brother and sister’, not by a long shot. The religion is Islam clearly teaches that God did...

Globalist Lockdown is here to Stay

Globalist Lockdown is here to Stay CONTRIBUTOR: . SOURCE : Globalist Lockdown is here to Stay The theater that has become the international political scene is entering its last act. As the actors play out their specific roles and read from the script that was written for them by the mega elites, the general audience in...
SIX EVENTS that could change your life forever

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