Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Mysterious and Spooky Corpse-Filled Ghost Ships Enter Japans Waters (Video)

Paranormal News Weekly Featured

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Mysterious and Spooky Corpse-Filled Ghost Ships Enter Japans Waters (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: . 1 Dec 15 12 Different ghost ships have washed ashore in Japan. Were they set adrift or something more 'ghostly sinister'? Mysterious Corpse-Filled 'Ghost Ships' Found Drifting Off Japan Nearly a dozen wooden boats carrying decomposing bodies have been found in the waters off the coast...

The Baltic Sea Anomaly – 2014, 14,000 Year Fossilized UFO/USO Crash Site, Shag Harbour Incident, Stunning Discoveries (video) CONTRIBUTOR: . The Baltic Sea Anomaly – 2014, 14,000 Year Fossilized UFO/USO crash site, Shag Harbour Incident, Stunning Discoveries The Baltic Sea anomaly is a 60-metre (200 ft) circular rock-like formation on the floor of the Baltic Sea, discovered by Peter Lindberg, Dennis Åsberg and their Swedish “Ocean X” diving team in...

Clearest Ufo Footage Ever Documented on Telescope

CONTRIBUTOR: . This Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon was Documented On a Telescope By Jay Lee and Myself, it was on January 26 2014 in Mcarther Park. It’s a two man Job to record with a telescope and not an easy one either, Hans has to track this object on the view finder then...

Interesting Photo Of An Alien Craft Over Capetown Africa CONTRIBUTOR: . INTERESTING PHOTO OF AN ALIEN CRAFT OVER CAPETOWN AFRICA . NOVEMBER 2015 ………. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE  AFRICA . A flying saucer which looks like it came straight out of Fifties sci fi was pictured hovering over South Africa this week – sending the entire nation’s brains into meltdown.  Is it...

Gods of Egypt – Nephliim A-go-go! CONTRIBUTOR: . Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural Days of Chaos? GO  TO » Fear Porn or Reality?  Wake up Ostrich people! But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  Matthew 24: 37 Yeshua (Thanks to Watchman Eric!) This trailer is revealing in that...

Iowa triangle UFO appeared to cloak itself CONTRIBUTOR: . An Iowa witness at Cedar Falls reported watching a silent, triangle-shaped UFO moving in a straight line overhead that appeared to cloak itself, according to testimony in Case 72695 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The sighting occurred at 9:02 p.m. on November 19, 2015, during...

Video: Lights appear to hover over Las Vegas Strip CONTRIBUTOR: . A Nevada witness at Henderson reported watching and videotaping a series of six bright lights “hanging in the sky” that eventually disappeared one at a time, according to testimony in Case 59929 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The sighting occurred beginning about 8:42 p.m. on...

Daily UFO Headlines 12/1/2015

CONTRIBUTOR: . Dancing UFOs Hula Over Honolulu – The Huffington Post Famed UFO author in Roswell for December to sign books – KOB NASA’s New ‘Star Trek’ Tech Is Designed to Detect Alien Life – NBC News VIDEO: Clover UFO crashes in Sandton – The Citizen Aliens, horses and nerves: Tim...

20 Creepiest Urban Legends From Around The World CONTRIBUTOR: . Urban Legends of all kinds have been passed on through generations scaring kids half to death, with the following being no exception to that. From the ghost of a baby heard crying to an Alien Abduction and a woman that appears in your mirror if you call her name 3...

What We Give Out, We Get Back - But Not Always Exactly As We Want CONTRIBUTOR: . There was a woman who, when things annoyed her, would always say, "That really bugs me." One day she found the chest of drawers, where she kept some of her delicate clothes, infested with small beetles. A coincidence?A man called Clive wanted some goldfish in a large glass bowl for...

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