Monday, May 30, 2016

Another Freudian Slip? MSNBC Refers to 'PRESIDENT Trump'

Another Freudian Slip? MSNBC Refers to 'PRESIDENT Trump'

Someone might send a few psychoanalysts to network HQ.

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Earlier this week, TruthRevolt shared an MSNBC report in which alleged rapist Bill Cosby was referred to as "Bill Clinton." Now, the network Tweeted a post that was meant to reference President Barack Obama, but instead referenced a "President Trump." 
MSNBC intended to publish the following: 
The following Tweet, however, appeared instead:  
CNN's senior media correspondent Brian Stelter was able to take a screenshot of the erroneous tweet before MSNBC deleted it and replaced it with the corrected post. 
Someone might want to consider calling in a psychiatrist to MSNBC headquarters because the folks there are making a lot of Freudian slips lately. 
(h/t: MRC)

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