In Obama's America, Captain America is a Nazi
75 years of patriotism down the drain.
So, this whole time, Captain America has been a sleeper agent for Hydra.
That's the new "twist" in the latest Marvel comic that has taken 75 years worth of American exceptionalism and flushed it down the drain.
On Wednesday, "Steve Rogers: Captain America #1" was released with a plot that Marvel has been toying with since 2014. Cap fans everywhere hung their heads in disbelief in the last two words he spoke, revealing his hidden allegiance to the Nazi organization: "Hail Hydra."
And the world exploded.
Writer for the Captain America series Nick Spencer said in response to the backlash, "I'm the most hated man in America today." It was a response he said he actually wanted, but "we just have even more of it than we imagined."
The actor who has brought Captain America to life on the silver screen for the last several years, Chris Evans, was also shocked by the news, tweeting:
Spencer responded with a bit of regret:
But then, nah:
The executive editor of Marvel Comics, Tom Brevoort, said that the current tensions surrounding the presidential elections created the perfect opportunity, in his mind at least, to introduce (read: ruin) the last remaining superhero patriot of America:
"We're currently in the middle of this very contentious presidential primary season where folks across America are feeling divided on a number of issues. This feels very much, at least to me, like it's of the zeitgeist of the moment."
Brevoort added that he also wanted to make sure people were "paying attention" and of course, to sell more comics, when "Steve Rogers: Captain America #2" comes out. But he may have underestimated his fans' loyalties:
"This is a bigger story than it seems. Hopefully we've got this figured out. If not, you're talking to me on the day I broke Captain America."
In addition to Cap/Steve Rogers being the exact opposite of what he has always stood for, Spencer used villain Red Skull to deliver a speech against the refugee invasion of Europe, because, you know, anyone who would have something to say against it is heartless and evil. Here is what the Hydra head states in the new comic:
“I have just come from Europe — my homeland, in fact. And do you know what I saw there? It was an invading army. These so-called ‘refugees’ — millions of them — marching across the continent, bringing their fanatical beliefs and their crime with them. They attack our women, and bomb our cities. And how do our leaders respond? Do they push them back and enforce the borders, as is our sovereign duty? Of course not. They say, ‘Here, take our food. Take our shelter. Take our way of life, and then take our lives.’ Despicable."Your entire culture is under siege. The principles your country was founded upon lost in the name of ‘tolerance.’ Your religion, your beliefs, your sense of community — all tossed aside like trash. And you cannot even speak out against it, lest you be called a bigot!”
This is what happens in Obama's America (and when liberals run Marvel), because all heroic American icons, even fictional ones, must be subverted.
Here are just a few of the better reactions from around Twitter:
Heads up, this one ends with an F-bomb:
H/T Newsbusters