Monday, May 30, 2016

Newt Gingrich Has Seen Enough, Just Dropped 'Berserk' Trump Bomb On Romney's Head
They Told Trump 'There's No Time For The National Anthem' - He INSTANTLY Knew What To Do
Donald J. Trump was just told before his rally began that there would be NO time for the singing of the national anthem - what he did next stunned the entire crowd... Do you support Donald Trump's reaction? Read more...
Watch What Trump Just Did When They Told Him There Was No Time For The National Anthem
They tried to tell Donald J. Trump that they didn't have time to sing the national anthem... but Trump was not about to have that. Trump just stunned the ENTIRE stadium with his next move... Read more...
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BREAKING: Rubio Just Made Surprise Announcement About Trump And The Republican Convention
Marco Rubio has just gone public with a jaw dropping announcement about Donald Trump that's left many STUNNED... Read more...
Wife Finds Disabled Vet in Tears, Then Sees Shocking Thing Neighbor Did to Him
This woman heard a commotion outside, so she went to see what was happening. That's when she found her disabled veteran husband in tears on the porch. When the vet told her what had just happened, she instantly knew it was a neighbor and that he had been watching them... Read more...
Watch: Right After Obama Says Hiroshima 'Evil' This MSNBC Host Makes Jaw-Dropping Statement
If you thought Obama's Hiroshima comments were absolutely shocking, just wait until you see what MSNBC's Brian Williams just said... Read more...
BREAKING: State Dept. Inspector General Releases Clinton Report: GUILTY
Moments ago, the Inspector General released this bombshell report about Hillary Clinton's email use... but it doesn't stop there. This is about to expose Hillary as everything we knew she was... Read more...
Late Last Night 43 Repubs Joined Dems To Give Obama Exactly What He Wanted
Last night more than 40 House Republicans sided with the Democrats to give Obama this HUGE win - and some Americans are feeling betrayed because of it... Are you disappointed in what these Republicans just did? Read more...
Hillary Snaps at Woman Asking About Bill & Rape… Then Dems Horrified to Learn Who She Really Is
A woman in the middle of a Hillary rally stood up and asked Hillary a brutal question about Bill and his history of rape allegations. Hillary absolutely lost it and let the woman have it. Then Democrats realized who the woman actually is, but by then it was too late... Read more...
People Notice 1 Thing About The Location Of Obama's New Mansion, Libs Instantly LOSE Their Minds
It was recently revealed that the Obamas will continue living in Washington D.C. after they leave the White House. A detail about their new home has just been discovered that has a lot of people talking, and liberals are furious about it. Read more...
Here’s The 1 Detail On Anti-Trump Signs That Reveals Who Was Behind The Albuquerque Riots
After the anti-trump protesters tried their best to ruin Donald J. Trump's rally, some locals found these posters with some VERY suspicious letters on them... These 3 letters explain EVERYTHING... this is war. Read more...
Newt Gingrich Has Seen Enough, Just Dropped 'Berserk' Trump Bomb On Romney's Head
Ouch. Newt Gingrich has finally had it with Mitt Romney's efforts to damage Trump's presidential campaign. He's calling Romney out in a BIG way that's sure to get his attention. I've never seen Romney attacked quite like THIS. Does Newt Gingrich have a good point? Read more...
Arizona Gets Fed Up With Trump-Protesters… Makes Move EVERY State Should Follow
The state of Arizona just got fed up with anti-Donald J. Trump protesters in a major way. Here's the move they just made which is going to have Black Lives Matter staying far, far away from their state. We need other states to make moves like this... this is awesome. Read more...

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