CAIR Official Slanders American TroopsThree Memorial Days Running
Something about them participating in an "unjust war."
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) consistently tries to sell the bill of goods that it's as American as apple pie -- that just because it's an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't mean its members aren't "Americans first."
Interesting, then, that for three Memorial Days running, the first thought to enter the mind of a top-ranking CAIR official is slandering American troops.
Zahra Billoo, executive director of CAIR's San Francisco Bay area chapter, not only condemned U.S. soldiers, but doubled down on her opposition to Memorial Day, specifically taking aim at Muslim-Americans who serve in the U.S. military.
The Clarion Project reveals that Billoo "stepped in hot water" back in 2014 when it broke a story about how she and other CAIR officials suggested that "fallen U.S. soldiers shouldn’t be honored on Memorial Day."
"The result was major media attention and outrage from Muslims honoring Memorial Day," writes Clarion's Ryan Mauro.
She responded by retweeting a comment about supporting U.S. troops “who refuse service,” tweeting about U.S. “genocide,” rape within the military and accusing critics of sexism, racism and anti-Muslim bigotry.On Memorial weekend last year, Billoo again slandered the U.S. military and said servicemen often “murder” innocent civilians. She also equated Israel with ISIS.
This Memorial Day was no different, as Billoo reiterated that she is proud and stands by her incendiary remarks. After it appeared she had deleted at least one of her slanderous comments, Billoo doubled down:
Mauro astutely notes that not only is CAIR affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood terror outfit, but that "FBI wiretaps in 1993 reveal that CAIR was established to deceptively push the Islamist agenda."