New Short Film Documents 'TheUNRWA Road to Terror: Palestinian Classroom Incitement'
"I want to fight against the Jews and defeat them in war."
A team of senior journalists has produced a new short film on the Jew-hating incitement taking place in UNRWA facilities in Jerusalem and Bethlehem,according to Israel Behind the News.
UNRWA is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, purportedly a relief and human development agency. But for a clearer picture of UNRWA's actual aims, check out the full profile of the organization at the Freedom Center's Discover the Networks (DTN) resource site here. This paragraph from DTN gives a taste of UNRWA's true nature:
Nearly all teachers in UNRWA schools belong to unions affiliated with terrorist organizations such as Hamas (and other groups with al Qaeda connections). As a result, these schools (and the textbooks used therein) teach children to hate Jews and Israelis and to glorify suicide bombers as "martyrs." Moreover, the refugee camps for which the Agency is responsible are major centers of Arab terrorism. This is evidenced by the fact that nearly all the missile attacks from Gaza into Israel originate in UNRWA-administered regions; the UNRWA-run camp in Jenin is one of the leading terrorist hotbeds in the world.
Made with the goal of reforming the UNRWA, the documentary, titled The UNRWA Road to Terror: Palestinian Classroom Incitement, boasts a U.S. film director and a team of experts to translate new Palestinian Authority schoolbooks used in UNRWA schools -- after the Obama administration issued falsified reports that the PA school system has been reformed.
The ten-minute film is above, but for just a taste of it, check out this one-minute version, in which Arab children talk about hating Jews, stabbing them, waging war against them, and joining the Islamic State:
The filmmakers intend to screen this at selected legislative bodies which fund UNRWA: the U.S. Congress, the Canadian Parliament, the Swedish Parliament, the Danish Parliament, and the Australian Parliament.
You can help cover costs and become honorary producers of the film by rendering a donation here.