OK, so if you’re paying attention, this might NOT surprise you, but still you have admit that it’s pretty shocking. In order to help Obama navigate through the perilous waters of any decisions he might have to make about religion, this is who he put on his advisory council:
Of course he had a transgender person advising him about religion!! Wouldn’t you?! OK probably not.
For those new to the transgender lobby, Barbara Satin is a guy who was born a guy, but now dresses up and acts like a woman, because he feels like a woman.
Here’s more about Barbara Satin:
Barbara Satin, a Twin Cities advocate on LGBTQ aging and faith issues, has been appointed by President Obama to serve on the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Satin is the first transgender person to be appointed to the council.
Along with Satin, Naseem Kourosh, human rights officer at the US Baha’i office of public affairs and Manjit Singh, co-founder and chairman of the Sikh American Legal Defence and Education Fund were also appointed to the council.
“These fine public servants bring a depth of experience and tremendous dedication to their important roles,” Obama said in a statement accompanying the appointments. “I look forward to working with them,”
Satin currently serves as the Assistant Faith Work Director for the National LGBTQ Task Force. She was the first member of the executive council of the United Church of Christ. She was instrumental in the development of Spirit on Lake, a LGBTQ senior housing on Lake St. in south Minneapolis. In addition, Satin has served on the boards of OutFront Minnesota, PFund, and GLBT Generations. She is also a veteran of the United States Air Force.
So guess what we can look forward to from Obama in the last year of his presidency? Yup – more “transgender” crap being forced down our throats, whether we like it or not.
I apologize for that visual.