Monday, May 30, 2016

Idiot Carrying Gun In Sock Brings Gun To High School Graduation and Then This Happens

Idiot Carrying Gun In Sock Brings Gun To High School Graduation and Then This Happens

Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 12.11.19 PMLook, there is absolutely nothing wrong with carrying a gun on your person. You know that.
And there’s nothing wrong with wanting to take it to places where you’re worried about possibly coming under attack. That’s the whole point of CCW permits.
But there is everything wrong with being not so smart when adjsuting your gun and then accidentally discharging it in a place where you’re not supposed to have it in the first place.
And that’s what one gentleman is learning the hard way.
Two people were hurt, one seriously, when a concealed gun accidentally discharged at a Kansas high school graduation Sunday (May 15), KWCH-TV reported.
Police said the gun owner was carrying a small, semi-automatic gun in his sock. They say the gun was uncomfortable and the man was adjusting it when it went off, the station reported.
Police said a bullet from the gun hit the man in the foot and then either the bullet or shrapnel ricocheted about 50 feet and hit a woman who was standing under the press box.
The man drove himself to a hospital. The woman was taken to a hospital in serious condition.
Police said the man had a permit for the gun but that it was illegal for him to have it on school grounds. It went off as people were filing into the commencement ceremonies at the school east of Wichita, Kan.
Let’s just say this about this man’s action. First thing first is if you’re going to carry concealed you ned to understand doing so might result in discomfort. So, if you’re going to adjust your weapon make sure you’re doing it in a way you don’t have a negligent discharge.
Secondly, while it makes sense you wouldn’t want to obey certain laws regarding gun free zones it doesn’t mean you can disregard them altogether. When you do it makes things a lot works for people who are trying to follow the law to a T.

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