Politico on How Hillary Loses
Four paths to a loss.
Are Democrats starting to worry that if Hillary Clinton is actually able to beat back socialist senator Bernie Sanders that she might lose to Donald Trump? The latest from leftie news site Politico says yes.
In a weekend piece on the presidential race, Politico reports that Democrats have gone from seeing themselves as winning easily to now worrying about defeat:
During the insanity of the Republican primary, it was easy for them to believe that Trump could never be president—that in a general election, mainstream voters would regard him as an absurdity. But Clinton remains a shaky candidate with historically high negatives, an email scandal that keeps getting worse and a stubborn primary opponent whose supporters may yet become a midsummer nightmare in Philadelphia.
Politico notes that Republicans have started to rally around Trump now that he has secured the GOP nomination but Clinton has many possible ways to lose:
If Clinton pushes away some of her potential supporters; fails to energize others to vote; and fires up Trump’s base by pandering to her own—well, she just might be able to make the numbers work out for him. If he does pull off the election of the century, Trump’s path to 270 Electoral College votes will begin with 164 practically in the bank, from 21 solid-red states generally considered sure things for the Republican nominee. And here’s how Clinton could push more than enough additional states onto Trump’s side of the ledger—Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Iowa, Virginia, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan—one mistake at a time.
The four paths to a loss, according to Politico, include taking Hispanic voters for granted, alienating young voters, losing establishment Republicans who don't like Trump, and if she screws up on the trade file which has many blue collar Democrats eyeing Trump.