Physicist Stephen Hawking: Trump Is a Demagogue
"The lowest common denominator."
Famed physicist Stephen Hawking says he doesn't understand presidential nominee Donald Trump's popularity.
In an interview on the ITV show Good Morning Britain Hawking said he can find no explanation for Trump's electoral success.
“He is a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator,” Hawking said in a prerecorded interview to be broadcast 6 a.m. London time Tuesday.
Hawking also begged Britain to remain in the European Union in the June 23rd "Brexit" election. He said it was important not only for economic and security research but also scientific research.
“Gone are the days we could stand on our own, against the world. We need to be part of a larger group of nations, both for our security, and our trade.”
Hawking also wants Britain to remain in the EU for immigration reasons:
“There are two obvious reasons why we should stay in. The first is that it promotes the mobility of people. Students can come here from EU countries to study, and our students can go to other EU universities. More importantly, at the level of research, the exchange of people enables skills to transfer more quickly, and brings new people with different ideas, derived from their different backgrounds."
“The other reason is financial,” he continued. “The European Research Council has given large grants to UK institutions, either to foster or promote exchanges.”
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