Monday, May 30, 2016

Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Vandalized

Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Vandalized

More leftist tolerance.

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Angry Los Angeles tourists have been defacing presidential candidate Donald Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star.  The star has been damaged with urine, spit, dog feces and swastikas, according to Politico.
Micro protests, profane gestures, spit wads, human urine — with selfies to mark every gesture. Someone stenciled a mute signal onto the star. Someone spray painted a swastika onto it. Now Trump’s critics are going for the whole thing: an online petition demanding Trump’s star be struck has more than 40,000 signatories.
But the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce says they will not remove the star. The Chamber also refused to remove Bill Cosby's star on the Walk of Fame.
“We have never removed a star,” Leron Gubler, the president and chief executive of the chamber said.
The destruction has only ramped up in the weeks before the California primary.
And so the battle continues, with the attacks escalating in recent weeks since Trump marched to the Republican presidential nomination. Care2, the online advocacy organization that is leading the petition drive, lists the affronts in its call to have the star removed. “Humans have peed on it, pet owners have let their dogs poop on it, and many passerby spit at it,” the petition reads. “The message is clear: the public does not approve of Trump or the fact that he has a Hollywood Star.”
Some visitors to Trump's star are there because they support the candidate.
But not everyone is there to lodge a protest. A seven-person family visiting from India crouched down to pose for a photo. About 20 seconds later, another four-person family, dressed head to toe in New York Jets apparel, knelt around it and give fulsome seeming thumbs up. A few minutes later, a man dressed in full “Alice in Wonderland” Mad Hatter costume twists his foot on to Trump’s star while singing a showtune.
“He’s speaking the truth,” Jamieson a "snake proprietor" operating near the star. “Oh yeah. I will be voting for him. And he’ll win, no matter what they do to that star.”
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