Tuesday, May 31, 2016

North Korea Just Responded To Obama's Hiroshima Trip With 1 Word That EMBARRASSES Him

North Korea Just Responded To Obama's Hiroshima Trip With 1 Word That EMBARRASSES Him
OUCH! North Korea just sent a 1 word message to Obama that he did NOT want to hear. This says it all... Are you counting down the days until Barack Obama leaves the White House? Read more...
Gov. Signs MASSIVE Law to Protect Cops… BLM Protesters FURIOUS at Name of Bill
Finally! A brave governor just signed a MASSIVE law to protect cops and first responders in his state. Black Lives Matter is FURIOUS... not just at the content of the bill, but at the NAME of it. This is awesome... we need more states to do this! Read more...
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Conservative Just Read THIS Bible Verse On Capitol Hill, And Republicans Walked Out
Something about this Bible verse made some Republicans visibly uncomfortable and upset. Do you support this conservative for speaking out? Read more...
VIDEO: Special Ops Forces “Invade” U.S. City… This Will Shoot Chills Down Your Spine
In a stunning development, Special Ops forces just "invaded" a U.S. city. It was all caught on video, and it will shoot chills down your spine. Do you agree with what the government is doing here? Read more...
This Photo Just Caught Bill Doing Something At Hillary Rally That's Turning Heads
YIKES! This does not look good for Bill or Hillary. What a photo, wow... Are the Clintons the last people you'd want to see back in the White House? Read more...
WHOA: Hillary Makes SHOCKING Admission About Trump… This Dropped Jaws Everywhere
Hillary Clinton just made a SHOCKING admission about Donald J. Trump and his campaign, and it wasn't what anyone was expecting. This dropped jaws all around the country. You can bet Trump is smiling about this, and he has every reason to be. Read more...
Watch: Sarah Palin Just Stepped On Stage And RIPPED Obama To Pieces With Just 1 Accusation
Barack Obama, you've just been served. Do you agree with what Sarah Palin said? Read more...
WATCH: Melania Opens Trump Home to Greta… Here’s the INCREDIBLE Insider Video
Melania Trump just opened the home that she and Donald J. Trump share to Greta Van Susteren... and the video is UNBELIEVABLE. This is the American dream, folks. This shows that, unlike Obama and Hillary, Trump doesn't believe that being successful is a sin. We need a president like that. Read more...
Ted Cruz Just Revealed What He Will FIGHT To Do To The Republican Party - 'You Have My Word'
Wow. Ted Cruz is turning heads with his latest promise. This came out of nowhere, and some Republicans are NOT going to be happy. Do you support what Ted Cruz is doing? Read more...
Obama Labels Hiroshima Bombing “Evil” … But This 1 Tweet SLAPS Him Down Hard
The president needs a history lesson, and this Twitter user gave him one. Read more...
WATCH How Dem Reacts When Witness Testifies On Transgender Issue 'Ignorant Bigot!'
This Dem could not BELIEVE that a witness would give her point of view, and boy oh boy did she let that be known. This is one video that people need to see... Read more...
Ex-State Dept. Official Says Hillary’s “Sloppy” Emails Blew THESE Operations… She’s DONE
A former State Department official just dropped a BOMBSHELL about Hillary Clinton. Here's why he says these "sloppy" emails blew a number of these sensitive operations. This is the last thing her campaign wanted to hear... Hillary is DONE for. Read more...

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