Tuesday, May 31, 2016

White House Accidentally Slips Out Obama’s Plans to Cancel November Elections

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It looks like ISIS’ next move could make Obama president for life.
Presidential candidate Ben Carson has proof that anarchy might be used to cancel the 2016 election.
According to Ex CIA director Michael Morell “there are thousands of ISIS sympathizers in the United States” already creating a “global caliphate”.
Obama may be right that ISIS can’t topple the U.S. government… but he might use the chaos, panic and fear from the terrorist threats to extend his presidency and postpone the 2016 elections.
This new documentary uncovers how ISIS is gathering new forces for the final battle with the Western World. The most surprising part is… it actually ties in with the 2016 U.S. election and the catastrophic outcomes it might have.
Click Here to Watch This Controversial Video before It’s Taken Down

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