EXCLUSIVE: The killer asteroids NASA says are heading towards Earth TODAY
NASA is monitoring 11 asteroids that will skim past our planet TODAY on Halloween.
The US space agency has admitted it is discovering about 30 new "near earth objects" a week, and keeping a close watch on them as they cosmically brush past us.
Seven of the Halloween asteroids were discovered only this year, meaning we have been oblivious to them hurtling past us over thousands of years.
Three of the space rocks are monsters of between 660 metres and 900 metres in length, big enough to wipe out life in much of a continent if they made a direct hit.
Three others, from 230 to 410 metres long, would be likely to be disastrous to a whole country should they strike, with the remaining five, from just 18 metres to 110 metres, big enough to destroy or seriously affect a city the size of London.
The closes pass on Monday will be the newly discovered asteroid 2016 UR36, which NASAestimates is between eight and 18 metres long.
It is due to pass just beyond the moon at 310,000 miles.
But cosmically speaking, this within a whisker.
NASA classes any object passing within a distance of 30 million miles of Earth as a "near earth object", because orbits are estimated and it is not always certain about the path they will take.
The largest, which is coming in relatively close is 2003 YT1, which is 1.7km long, big enough to threaten all life on Earth.
It passes at 3.2million miles, just 13.5 times the distance from Earth to our moon.
NASA announced yesterday its database of near-Earth asteroids now tops 15,000.
The latest discovery was 2016 TB57, discovered on October 13 by observers at the Mount Lemmon Survey, an element of the NASA-funded Catalina Sky Survey in Tucson, Arizona.
At up to 36 metres long, it is one of the 11 Halloween asteroids, and will pass us at 1.2million miles, about five times the distance to the moon.
A NASA spokesman said: "It will safely pass Earth.
2016 TB57 will safely pass EarthNASA spokesman
"The 15,000 milestone is a 50 percent increase in the number of known NEAs since 2013, when discoveries reached 10,000 in August of that year."
Surveys funded by NASA’s Near Earth Object (NEO) Observations Program (NEOs include both asteroids and comets) account for more than 95 percent of discoveries so far.
A near-Earth asteroid is defined as one whose orbit periodically brings it within approximately 1.3 times Earth’s average distance to the sun - that is within 121 million miles of the sun.
This distance also then brings the asteroid within roughly 30 million miles of Earth’s orbit.
Observers have already discovered more than 90 percent of the estimated population of the large, bigger than 600 metre NEOs, but only a fraction of those smaller than this estimated to be out there have been found.
Kelly Fast, NASA’s NEO Observations Program Manager, said: "The rising rate of discovery is due to dedicated NEO surveys and upgraded telescopes coming online in recent years.
“But while we’re making great progress, we still have a long way to go.”
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It is estimated by astronomers that only about 27 percent of the NEAs that are 140 meters and larger have been found to date.
US Congress directed NASA to find over 90 percent of objects this size and larger by the end of 2020.
The NEO Observations Program is a primary element of NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office, which is responsible for finding, tracking and characterising potentially hazardous NEOs, issuing warnings about possible impacts, and coordinating US government planning for response to an actual impact threat.
Lindley Johnson, NASA Planetary Defense Officer, said: "While no known NEO currently poses a risk of impact with Earth over the next 100 years, we’ve found mostly the larger asteroids, and we have a lot more of the smaller but still potentially hazardous ones to find.”