Sunday, October 30, 2016

Israel Offers Aid After New Earthquake Rocks Italy

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October 30, 2016 / 28 Tishri 5777

Headlines & Recommended
The Jewish Press Conspiracy to Protect Hillary Clinton and the Rigged Elections [audio]

Stephen Leavitt
Did The Jewish Press hide Hillary Clinton's plans to rig the elections?

Exclusive Interview: Hillary Clinton On Israel, Iraq And Terror [archive]

Eli Chomsky
[2006] On the eve of her expected reelection victory, New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton met with the The Jewish Press.

Child Wounded in Stoning Attack Near Tekoa

Hana Levi Julian
A 5-year-old child was injured in a stoning attack when a rock smashed a windshield and sent flying glass straight at him.

3 Israeli Border Guard Police Wounded in Terror Ramming Attack Near Beit Omar

Hana Levi Julian
Three Israeli Border Guard Police officers were rammed by an Arab terrorist. He was shot and neutralized by the forces.

Obama Shouldn’t Tie his Successor’s Hands on Israel-Palestine

Alan M. Dershowitz
As the election draws closer, the Obama administration is sending strong signals that it may make a major push to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the United Nations

Peres, Sharon, Barak, Star in Campaign for Ma’ale Adumim Sovereignty

The new campaign is banking on the fact that all of Israel's past mainstream politicians have supported the settlement enterprise, even if some of them later became its sworn enemies.

The UNESCO Follies

Dovid Ben-Meir
The Hebrew Bible (Tanach) mentions Jerusalem more than 660 times. The Qur'an – zero (0). That is a VERY lopsided boxscore.

IDF Concern Rising Over Russian Arms, Military Presence in Middle East

Hana Levi Julian
Israel's defense establishment is worrying more about the quality and quantity of Russian military activity and arms in the region.

Read more Headlines & Recommended articles

The Yishai Fleisher Show
Is America Still an “Ally”? With Amb. Michael Oren [audio]
Yishai speaks with Ambassador MK Michael Oren, MK Rabbi Yehudah Glick on the children of Otniel and with Rabbi Mike Feuer on the Big Bang. It's a show not to be missed.

Read more The Yishai Fleisher Show articles

American, Israeli Archaeologists Attack Authenticity of ‘Jerusalem Papyrus’
"The money that modern forgers and dealers can make on modern forgeries is astronomical, consistently in the five and six figure range. The motivation is strong."

Defense Ministry to Ramp Up IDF Reservist Payments
Self-employed Israelis will receive an additional 25 percent above their monthly average salary for time spent in military service

Israel Offers Aid After New Earthquake Rocks Italy
Israel offers aid to Italy after a 6.6-scale earthquake rocks the central region, destroying buildings.

Read more News articles

Holding Hillary Accountable

Bruce Abramson and Jeff Ballabon
This week’s WikiLeaks dump provided further sordid details about the most corrupt Presidential candidate in living memory, Hillary Clinton.

INTO THE FRAY: Condell on Clinton

Dr. Martin Sherman
By presenting the divide between Trump & the post-Obama surrogate, Clinton, as an “America vs Europe” one, Condell understates the true nature of the dichotomy

Surging Overseas Investment in Israel Defy Global Downtrend

Yoram Ettinger
In defiance of the global financial downtrend – but as a derivative of Israel’s cutting-edge technologies - Israeli hightech companies raised a significant sum this quarter.

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Wikileaks: Clinton Adviser Tanden Calls Israel Govt. “Ruthless Wingnuts”
The Lid with Jeff Dunetz
Jeff Dunetz
This is how Team Clinton “celebrated” Netanyahu's surprise reelection the day after his victory: “Israel is depressing. It’s a good lesson that the wing nuts are just ruthless in every country”

The UNESCO Follies
Guest Blog
Dovid Ben-Meir
The Hebrew Bible (Tanach) mentions Jerusalem more than 660 times. The Qur'an – zero (0). That is a VERY lopsided boxscore.

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