The New Under Ground Church-THE TRUTH MUST BE TOLD
Monday, October 31, 2016
Video: We Now Have Proof Obamacare Was Designed to Fail... and Here's Why
Daily News Brief: Amazing! Voter Fraud Problem Solved Eight Days Before the Election!
Who knew it could be this simple... watch to find out!
Investment Strategist Forecasts Collapse Timeline: ‘The Last Gasp Of This Economic Cycle Will Come In 2018’
You have about a year to get ready for the next leg of the collapse…
ManTracker: How to Be One and How to Avoid One
Be aware: this is not deer-hunting or tracking a game animal.
Video: We Now Have Proof Obamacare Was Designed to Fail... and Here's Why
Obamacare was always meant to destroy the private health care system and usher in single-payer, government run socialist medicine. It was designed that way… and it’s “working”.
Physical Gold And Silver - Get Some Now
Watch This Computer Programmer Testify Under Oath That He Coded Computers to Rig Elections
After watching this video, you’ll know why true change is hard to come by.
The United States Is Pre-Positioning “Enemy Assets” In Preparation For A Rigged Election
Civil unrest and/or war are the escape hatches to bail out of the Constitution and to take control of the country…not letting either crisis go to waste.
Dilbert Creator Explains "How Do I Know The Emails Are That Bad?"
Is FBI director James Comey pro or anti-Hillary Clinton? And are the newly discovered emails THAT bad?
This Can't Be Good: Russia and NATO Holding Emergency Military Drills Just Miles Apart
These drills are happening at the same time and in the same region.
The Most Advanced Tactical Gas Mask In The World
Commercial: Ask Your Doctor Today About…Voting
Distracted by Election 2016, No One Resisted the Deep State’s Patriot Act 2
Rigged To The Max: Dirty Donna Shared Debate Questions With Hillary For Months!
Former DEA Prescription Head Drops a Bombshell — Congress Protects Big Pharma & Fuels Opioid Crisis
NYPD Catches Itself Selling Stolen Goods, Blames Business Owner
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