Monday, October 31, 2016

Sarah Silverman: 'I Love America But Not, Like, Above All Other Places' This is why flyover Americans hate New York liberals.

Sarah Silverman: 'I Love America But Not, Like, Above All Other Places'

This is why flyover Americans hate New York liberals.

The New Yorker's Andy Borowitz sat down with purported comedienne Sarah Silverman for The New Yorker Festival earlier this month to discuss, among other things, Donald Trump and patriotism. Unnecessary spoiler alert: both of them make her skin crawl.
Silverman begins the clip above talking about a previous boyfriend who was so unabashedly patriotic that he ran an American flag up a pole. "Why?!" she asked, creeped out.
"Uh, because I love America?" he replied, and Silverman hastens to tell Borowitz, "I love America too, but not, like, above all other places or anything."
And there is the coastal liberal in a nutshell: "Hey, I 'love' this country!" insists the coastal liberal like Sarah Silverman and Michael Moore (I don't care where Moore lives -- he's a proud coastal liberal). "I just don't love this country, and certainly not more than anywhere else in the world because I'm a sophisticated, cosmopolitan citizen of the world and I don't understand why any place has to be better than anywhere else. Can't we all just coexist?"
Coastal liberals don't believe in something as gauche as feeling pride in one's country. They equate it, as Silverman does in this video clip, with Nazism. "It's just this kind of like, closed, xenophobic, like 'We're number one!' and needing us to be number one. Number one in what? Juvenile diabetes?" This actually got a big laugh from Borowitz, whose own condescension toward patriotic Americans was on full display as well.
She went on, for some reason, to praise Bernie Sanders and socialism as a way of protecting democracy.
Then Borowitz brought up "the causes of Trump," whom Silverman predictably said was a mirror of racist, patriotic (shudder) Americans. Because it's racist to think we should be able to protect our borders or be a nation of laws.
Watch the entire video if your stomach is strong.

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