ZOA Ad In NYT Asks Will Obama Betray Israel at UN After Election?
"The Administration may seek a new UN Security Council Resolution embodying the two-state solution, with [pre-] 1967 lines...”
A full page advertisement ran Saturday in the New York Times asking, “after the elections, will President Obama betray Israel at the United Nations?”
Placed by the Zionist Organization of America, one of the largest and oldest pro-Israel organizations in the United States whose board members include GOP mega-donor Sheldon Adelson, the ad comes amid growing concerns after eight years of strained U.S –Israel relations. It wonders if President Obama, once freed from political considerations in his support of Hillary Clinton, will permit the United Nations Security Council to pass some form of anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian resolution.
In the ad, Morton Klein, President of the ZOA ad writes:
Is President Barack Obama intending to abandon the decades of bipartisan U.S. policy of vetoing anti-Israel U.N. Security Council resolutions? Specifically, is Obama preparing to permit the UN Security Council to pass a resolution recognizing a Palestinian Arab state, and declaring that Israel building any homes in eastern Jerusalem and/or Judea and Samaria (West Bank) to be illegal? The signs that this is indeed the case are numerous.
From the Obama administration’s harsh condemnation of Israel’s recent plan to expand housing units in Judea and Samaria to the President’s false implication that Israel “enslaves” the Palestinians, the ZOA ad lays out a clear case for concern.
The ad states:
Wikileaks recently exposed an email written by former White House official Stuart Eisenstadt that discussed the Obama administration’s deteriorating relationship with Israel and warned that: "There is a distinct possibility that the Administration may seek a new UN Security Council Resolution embodying the two-state solution, with [pre-]1967 lines and agreed land swaps, and some vague statements about Jerusalem.”
The ZOA ad concludes with an appeal to Congress to take steps to prevent such an action at the UN by President Obama. Israel has always sought peace with its neighbors, even at great cost. Yet every peace offer or gesture Israel has made has been met with more terrorism and war. Using the UN after the election to circumvent direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians would only undermine the chances for a lasting peace.