Monday, October 31, 2016

How Police REALLY Feel About Hillary Clinton? You don't publicly side with BLM and undercut our law enforcement community without consequences

How Police REALLY Feel About Hillary Clinton?

You don't publicly side with BLM and undercut our law enforcement community without consequences.

A police union in Massachusetts showed just how law enforcement members feel about the presidential candidate currently under federal investigation. 
The Medford Police Patrolmen’s Association had some fun during the Haines Square Annual Fall Festival on Saturday by taking a photograph with someone dressed as Hillary Clinton in an orange prison jumpsuit. 
Now union chief Harold MacGilvray is apologizing, saying it was "absolutely not" meant as a political statement (but really, it was, and that's O.K. by us). The Boston Globe reports: 
The president of a Medford police union said he used “poor judgment” when he posed for a photograph with a person dressed in a Hillary Clinton orange prison-inspired costume that went viral on social media.
“These were Halloween costumes. It was meant totally as a joke,” MacGilvray said in an email to the Globe. “I apologize if this offended anyone in any way. I never expected this sort of reaction. It was poor judgment on my part.”

According to the Globe, the Medford Police Patrolman’s Association originally posted the photos to its Facebook page, but likely due to an angry mob of humorless social justice warriors, the photos were ultimately removed. 
MacGilvray, along with other officers, reportedly also posed with a person donning a Donald Trump mask and bearing a sign that read: "Making America great again in West Medford Square!!"
And this is what Hillary Clinton gets for publicly siding with Black Lives Matter and undercutting America's law enforcement community, thus endangering its members.  

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