Monday, October 31, 2016

Ms. Moneybags: Huma Abedin Got Three Paychecks From State Dept., The Foundation, And Clinton-Affiliated Consulting Firm

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Hillary Has Nobody To Blame But Herself
Katie Pavlich
It's been three days since FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to Congress saying he was reopening the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private, unsecured email arrangement.
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WSJ: FBI Agents Allege DOJ Ordered 'Stand Down' on Clinton Foundation Investigation
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White House: Comey is a Man of Integrity and Isn't Trying to Sway The Election
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Peter Thiel Reaffirms Trump Support at National Press Club Speech
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Video: All the Times Democrats Praised James Comey
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Gowdy Lashes Out at Harry Reid for Claiming Comey Violated Hatch Act
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That Little Girl From The Anti-Nuke "Daisy" Ad Is Back And Accusing Trump Of Wanting Nuclear War
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Home Stretch: Any Way You Slice It, This Race Is Tightening
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How much do you know about the Constitution?
Promoted By: Hillsdale College
Many Americans know the Constitution well -- they understand how it protects their freedoms and paved the way for a great nation to be built. But many more Americans don't know enough about it. How much do you know about the Constitution?
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New Poll of New Hampshire Has Trump Leading
Christine Rousselle

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Ms. Moneybags: Huma Abedin Got Three Paychecks From State Dept., The Foundation, And Clinton-Affiliated Consulting Firm
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Bobby Knight Steals the Show in Michigan: "There Will Be No Bull S#!t in a Trump Administration"
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Gowdy On Reid Letter: I'm Glad He's Leaving And I Didn't Know Mormons Used Drugs
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7 Cartoons That Capture the Horrifying Reality of the 2016 Election
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More Evidence CNN Was Colluding With Clinton, Network Responds
Cortney O'Brien
Earlier this month, WikiLeaks revealed to us that CNN's Donna Brazile was in cahoots with the Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary. Ahead of one of Hillary Clinton's town hall debates with Bernie Sanders, Brazile reportedly sent her team one of the questions she should expect during the evening.
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CNN Cuts All Ties To Donna Brazile Over Leaked Town Hall Questions
Matt Vespa
CNN has cut all ties with Donna Brazile after it was revealed that she leaked debate questions to Hillary Clinton.
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Hey, What If Trump Actually Wins?
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Kurt  Schlichter
Will The Reopening Of Hillary's Email Case Matter?
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Mark Davis
Blame Government, Not Markets for Monopoly
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Ron Paul
Comey Has Clinton Dead to Rights
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No Prison Time for Hillary If…
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Phantom of the Election
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Can America Afford Another Nixon?
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Minimum-Wage Laws: Good Intentions, Bad Results
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