Monday, October 31, 2016

Wallace and Bernstein: Reopening Hillary Investigation a 'Bombshell"

Wallace and Bernstein: Reopening Hillary Investigation a 'Bombshell"

"You know he didn’t want to do this, ... go back to these committees and announce this... fully aware of the bombshell effect it would have.

Fox News' Chris Wallace believes that today's announcement that the FBI is reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton‘s use of a personal email server is an important campaign development. “This is a big deal,” he said,according to Mediaite.
Wallace cited FBI Director James Comey‘s refusal to reopen the investigation during testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, and said that, given that previous position, the new information must be a "bombshell":
You have got to know that James Comey did not want to reopen this investigation. A month ago, he was asked by a republican Congressman on the House Judiciary Committee about all the information that had come up since he closed the investigation in July. ‘Well, why don’t you reopen it?’ He said, ‘That doesn’t come even close to reopening the investigation.’
So for him to do that now, just 11 days before the election — and I promise you, he can read the calendar just like all the rest of us — this has to be substantial. Not saying that it’s going to put it over the edge and result in a criminal case against Hillary Clinton. But this has to be substantial enough, and you know that he didn’t want to do this, that he had to, in effect, eat his words, go back to these committees, and announce this investigation — fully aware of the bombshell effect it was going to have on the final week and a half of this campaign.
Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein almost exactly echoed Wallace with his own response to the announcement, calling it a "bombshell" as well:
Well, there's no question that the e-mails have always been the greatest threat to her candidacy for president, that her conduct in regard to the e-mails is really indefensible and if there was going to be more information that came out, it was the one thing, as I said on the air last night, actually that could really perhaps affect this election.

We don't know what this means yet except that it's a real bombshell. And it is unthinkable that the Director of the FBI would take this action lightly, that he would put this letter forth to the Congress of the United States saying there is more information out there about classified e-mails and call it to the attention of congress unless it was something requiring serious investigation. So that's where we are...
Check out Wallace's comment in the video clip above.

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