Judge Napolitano Calls Out Obama With Evidence He ‘Lied’ To The American People
"... the president lied directly and pointedly ..."
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Recently revealed notes from FBI interviews conducted with Clinton’s top aides show that Clinton was, in fact, communicating to the president with him using a pseudonym.
In addition to notes released by the FBI, emails leaked Tuesday by WikiLeaks from the account of former Obama adviser John Podesta have revealed that Cheryl Mills, then a top White House aide, was concerned after the president denied knowing about Clinton’s private email server, because she was aware of emails that still existed between the two.
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“We need to clean this up — he has emails from her — they do not saystate.gov,” Mills wrote in a March 7, 2015 email to Podesta.
Answering his earlier question of “why,” Napolitano said he suspects the president was fearful that if Clinton were indicted, the possibility existed that he would have to testify.
Meanwhile, a Fox News report featured more evidence contradicting claims the president did not know of Clinton’s private server by suggesting Obama’s high-security BlackBerry was using a special process known as “whitelisting” — a form of filtering that only allows communications from pre-approved numbers and addresses to come through.
By using whitelisting, all communication would have been secure and unable to be tapped.
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“Think of whitelisting like a bouncer in the VIP line at the party. If you are on the list you get in, if you are not, you get bounced to the pavement,” said Bob Gourley, former chief technology officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency,
“Whitelisting happens by design,” he added. “The IT professionals who whitelist devices at places like the White House only add the email addresses authorized by management. To do otherwise would be to violate policy in ways that could introduce threats to the system.”
Gourley said that although there are differences between a private server and an email address, whoever followed the request to set up the president’s phone to accept Clinton’s address would have clearly been able to see it was not an official government account.
According to Gourley, requests of this nature usually come come from the White House chief of staff or a deputy and are sent to the Secret Service and a military unit known as the White House Communications Agency.
Napolitano says the revelations are shocking, but may not be shocking enough to influence voters.
“This is happening so close to Election Day. I don’t know if it’s going to move the needle, but it shows the absence of the rule of law in this administration,” said Napolitano.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest dismissed the claims as a debunked conspiracy theory.
“The president’s explanation in March of 2015 and my explanation of what the president knew in March of 2015 hasn’t changed, and the truth is, this is just critics of Secretary Clinton and President Obama recycling a conspiracy theory that has already been debunked,” Earnest said.
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