Friday, November 30, 2018


My favorite part of the Daily Beast article is the baffled and sympathetic tone at the plight of economic migrants who hoped to illegally invade the United States, and are now baffled to realize that it has borders.
TIJUANA, Mexico—After fleeing tear gas shot at the U.S. border, Carlos González confessed confusion and second thoughts about the caravan that carried him to doorstep of his dream: life in the United States.
The 40-year-old corn farmer from Honduras, wearing a pink breast cancer awareness hat and an orange work vest, had hopped on the caravan of Central American migrants figuring it would facilitate his entry into the country. 
So he's an economic migrant and not applying for asylum. His American dream is an American nightmare. 
But the U.S. border has proved impossible so far for the more than 7,000 migrants anxiously arriving in Tijuana, where they’re waiting in the squalor of a small baseball stadium-turned-tent city. It’s just a stone’s throw from the border they hope to cross, which many could not imagine would be so difficult.
They didn't imagine American borders could actually be secured? Also "stone's throw "is a poor choice of words.
But the media coverage has turned to the claim that thieves really don't understand why breaking into cars and bank vaults is so difficult. 
Scenes of migrants fleeing tear gas shot their way by U.S. Border Patrol brought condemnation and accusations of excess. The Sunday protest was peaceful, several participants told The Daily Beast. The protesters, including women and children, first encountered Mexican police, but detoured around them and headed toward the border. There, according to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, they breached the fence.
The migrants say they wanted nothing more than to ask for answers as to why they were unable to cross the border or make asylum claims.
1. Because they're not refugees in need of asylum.
2. You don't breach a fence to ask questions about asylum. You do it to invade a country.
But the tough treatment at the border brought home a rude reality for many migrants in the caravan: that their idealized vision of the United States—a kind and just country willing to welcome people wanting nothing more than to work or seek safety—has put obstacles in their path.
Obstacles like borders and laws. The things that every single country has.
Also the stone throwing was their way of showing their love for America.
The arrival of so many caravan travelers and images of clashes with police have exposed an unseemly underbelly of xenophobia. A poll in the newspaper El Universal showed 49 percent of Mexicans saying caravans shouldn’t be allowed to cross the country.
“First Mexico and Mexicans,” read one comment in response to the polls.
Make Borders Great Again.
Corrales, wearing a yellow soccer jersey, expressed few complaints with the camp, where he sold single cigarettes to fellow migrants. He thought the caravan’s experience crossing into Guatemala and Mexico would prove the template for the U.S. border.
But now, “I’m done with the United States. I’ll stay here.”
Remember when they told us that border security was hopeless. Border security works. Open borders doesn't.

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