Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Fascist “journalist” Marc Thibodeau steps up his smear campaign against Ensaf Haidar for meeting Robert Spencer
An update on this story: as you can see below, now “journalist” Marc Thibodeau is pressuring Amnesty International to drop its support for Ensaf Haidar. Suddenly, because she met me, it is unimportant to this man that her husband is unjustly imprisoned in Saudi Arabia and awaiting lashings that could kill him. Thibodeau is showing himself to be the ideological kin of the Saudis who are persecuting Raif Badawi: they are punishing Raif for thoughtcrime, and Thibodeau is harassing Ensaf, also for thoughtcrime. Totalitarians all. If Raif Badawi is murdered in Saudi Arabia, will Thibodeau pop the cork on a bottle of non-alcoholic champagne?
Another fascist, hard-Left “academic” Thomas Juneau, weighs in also in Thibodeau’s latest salvo, and also on Twitter:
Not a good idea: The wife of Raif Badawi (the liberal blogger jailed in Saudi Arabia), Ensaf Haidar, who lives in Quebec, hangs out with extreme-right Islamophobe Robert Spencer and refers to him as a "good friend". https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/justice-et-faits-divers/201902/25/01-5215973-la-femme-de-raif-badawi-liee-a-un-auteur-extremiste.php …
Follow up article in La Presse on this, quoting me: few people have heard of Spencer in Quebec, who, like other racists and Islamophobes, amalgamates all members of one group together and fails to differentiate between extremists fringes and the majority.https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/201902/25/01-5216118-ensaf-haidar-dit-etre-injustement-diabolisee.php …
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Hello @thomasjuneau. Kindly explain why you're libeling me as a "racist." Are you an academic and yet you think Islam is a race? Do you think Muslims are all of one race? Are you aware that people convert to Islam and also leave Islam, while it is impossible to change one's race?
57 people are talking about this
Hello @thomasjuneau. Please explain why you're libeling me as an "Islamophobe." Doubtless you're aware that this is a smear term chosen by a Muslim Brotherhood group (the IIIT) to intimidate people into fearing to oppose jihad mass murder and Sharia oppression. Why do you use it?
26 people are talking about this
Hello @thomasjuneau. You libelously claim that I "fail to differentiate between extremists [sic] fringes and the majority." Please provide a quote from me in which I do that. Something I said, not what someone claims I've said. Or have you not actually read anything I've written?
See Robert Spencer's other Tweets
Last questions, @thomasjuneau. Do you really think it is "racist" and "Islamophobic" to oppose jihad mass murder and Sharia oppression of women, gays, and others? Are you really in favor of Raif Badawi being imprisoned and lashed? How do you sleep?
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“Ensaf Haidar says she is being unjustly ‘demonized,'” translated from “Ensaf Haidar dit être injustement ‘diabolisée,'” by Marc Thibodeau, La Presse, February 26, 2019:
Ensaf Haidar believes that she has been unfairly “demonized” because of the friendly ties she has established with an American author who has been denounced as an “extremist” by several organizations fighting against hate propaganda.Saudi dissident Raif Badawi’s wife claims that an article from La Presse yesterday about her friendship with Robert Spencer was a “message to Islamists to attack” her.She warned that she would hold the daily responsible for “any harm” to her safety, that of her children or that of her husband, who has been detained since 2012 in Saudi Arabia.The Sherbrooke resident also criticized the credibility and conclusions of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which accuses Robert Spencer of stirring hatred against Muslims through his work.She has also retweeted the writings of author and activist Djemila Benhabib, who has accused another organization critical of Spencer, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), of being in the pay of fundamentalists. Ms. Benhabib serves as Vice President of the Raif Badawi Foundation.Repressed by the English governmentMs. Haidar again refused yesterday to answer La Presse’s questions about her friendship with Mr. Spencer, whom she met especially during a visit to Washington a few weeks ago.The American had been turned back by the British government in 2013 on the pretext that he was holding a speech on Islam likely to disrupt “intercommunity peace”.The SPLC notes that he has spent a good part of his life producing books and articles aimed at “demonizing and mistreating Muslims and the Islamic faith”.Spencer says he denounces “jihadist terror and sharia oppression” and has never written anything that encourages hatred “against anyone”.The coordinator of the section of Amnesty International of Estrie, Mireille Elchacar, who has worked for a long time with Ms. Haidar, said yesterday that her organization did not have any advice to give her regarding her association with the American author.“Ensaf is very happy to be able to use her Canadian citizenship and her freedom of expression” to put forward her beliefs, Ms. Elchacar noted.After Radio-Canada quoted Amnesty International about it in an afternoon article, Haidar was outraged online.“What are they trying to do? Why are they questioning Amnesty on this subject? I will also review my relationship with Radio-Canada! She wrote.“Not a good idea”Thomas Juneau, a Middle East specialist at the University of Ottawa, believes that Ms. Haidar’s friendship with Spencer is “not a good idea.”The American author is unknown in Quebec, but “occupies a fairly important media space among far-right Islamophobes” south of the border, said Mr. Juneau.“At the intellectual level, he should not be taken seriously at all. But he must be taken seriously at the political level,” notes Mr. Juneau, who is concerned that individuals like Mr. Spencer find online “a powerful megaphone” to disseminate their ideas.“Like Islamophobes in general, he tends to amalgamate extremists with the daily, moderate practice of the vast majority of Muslims,” he notes.