Biden Fails to Condemn a Single Terror Group By Name In Response to 11 Dead in Israel
9 commentsThis shouldn't be hard.
The first two of the Islamic terror attacks on Israel were claimed by ISIS. I can understand that Biden doesn't want to condemn Hamas or the PLO, which he continues to support and fund, but ISIS.
Come on, man.
"President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke today with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett of Israel to express his deepest condolences following the horrific terrorist attacks that have killed 11 people in three Israeli cities. The President emphasized that the United States stands firmly and resolutely with Israel in the face of this terrorist threat and all threats to the state of Israel. The leaders discussed the importance of regional partnerships, as exemplified by the Abraham Accords and the Negev Summit, in promoting security and improving the lives of people across the Middle East. The President offered all appropriate assistance to our Israeli allies as they confront threats to their citizens."
"Appropriate assistance".
Biden stands firmly with Israel, but no inappropriate assistance and no specific condemnations of any of the Islamic terror groups. Even ISIS.
Would it be asking too much for Biden to at least condemn ISIS.
This woman is clearly mentally defective. Sick, stupid bastard.
Postscript: A frequent commenter at Jihad Watch, the brilliant "Wellington" had this to say today about K.B. Jackson:
"There’s something profoundly wrong with this woman (and yes, even if she doesn’t know what a woman is, regular people do).
The mental disease she suffers from is obvious.
It is Leftism, which ruins everything it comes into contact with. Yes, everything. Leftism never improves anything at all.
This person on the Supreme Court will be a travesty. But since at least 50% of present Senators are travesties in themselves, chances are very high this highly deficient person (whom personally I am convinced like Obama hates America) will be given a life tenure on the highest judicial body in the land.
The Age of Nonsense marches on. Non-stop. No end in sight."
Another commenter, Don McKellar, posted this:
"This woman is a monster. A fiend who enables fiends. A fiend who embraces racism and division and hate. There’s still a lot of time left in His Fraudlency’s dumpster fire 'presidency' and it’s possible there’ll be another fiend or two if the elections are sufficiently manipulated. They know how. They are emboldened."
I hope Wellington and McKellar (and you readers) won't mind my posting their comments here.
Yeah but a bitch, not a bastard.
How can you differentiate between the two, since, according to Affirmative Action Jackson, this can only be done by a biologist...and neither she nor you can make that claim?
Good expose.
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The world is already filled with depraved people. Lord spare us from the depraved with law degrees.
Ten bucks says somebody in her close family is a pedophile and that's why she has a soft spot for them. Being a moonbat leftist isn't enough to explain her bizzare behavior and sentencing.