FDA ADMITS FETAL TESTS WRONG The Food and Drug Administration said this week that certain fetal screening tests are often wrong. The admission comes after months of pressure from Republicans like Rep. Chip Roy, R-TX, who called on the FDA to intervene. “Yesterday’s admission by the FDA regarding the inherent risks of NIPT screenings marks another step towards protecting life by the most pro-abortion administration in American history,” said Roy. Doctors have frequently cited false results from the faulty tests to recommend aborting perfectly healthy children. READ |
COVID FUNDING FOR ‘CLIMATE JUSTICE’? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last year awarded COVID relief funds to projects unrelated to the pandemic. Through its “Environmental Justice Small Grants Program,” the EPA will also be using $1.6 million of American Rescue Plan funds to award grants to "federally recognized tribal governments to establish or modify public participation programs where fair treatment and meaningful participation priorities have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic." READ
BIDEN FACES DEMOCRATIC BACKLASH A growing number of Democrats are voicing opposition to the Biden administration's plan to rescind Title 42, warning of a massive influx of migrants arriving at America's southern border. Rep. Tim Ryan, D-OH, called Biden’s decision “wrong and reckless,” and argued that “prematurely ending this policy without a path forward does nothing to keep Americans safe….” The White House is reportedly mulling whether to move forward with repealing Title 42 at all as it faces backlash from members of Biden’s own party. READ |
FLORIDA VS. BIDEN ON ‘TRANS KIDS’ In a direct rebuke of the Biden administration, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo issued guidance Wednesday that said minors should not undergo "gender transition" procedures, puberty blockers, or hormone treatments. "The federal government's medical establishment releasing guidance failing at the most basic level of academic rigor shows that this was never about health care," said Ladapo. “It was about injecting political ideology into the health of our children.” READ
NJ DIOCESE SEX ABUSE PAYOUT The Diocese of Camden, New Jersey, will pay $87.5 million to approximately 300 alleged sexual abuse victims under a settlement reached Tuesday. The payout surpasses the Archdiocese of Boston's historic 2003 settlement of almost $85 million. The agreement also requires the diocese to keep “maintaining or enhancing” child protection protocols. READ |
PRIEST BURIES ABORTED BABIES Father Bill Kuchinsky of West Virginia is a longtime pro-life advocate. He told the Catholic News Agency about his role in the ongoing tragedy of the aborted babies recently recovered by activists in Washington, DC. “I buried them myself,” he said of the remains. “They are in a peaceful place and will be well cared for.” READ |
QUOTE OF THE DAY “With Netflix shares down 25% this morning, they are quickly learning, go woke, get broke.” –George Papadopoulos LINK
‘ALIVE’ DOCUMENTARY BRINGS HOPE Jason Jones writes about “Alive,” a new documentary film that tells several stories of conversion. Each person in the film “emerged from the slick, secular liberal culture of post-Franco Spain — where faith in God is denigrated and dismissed, treated as a relic of an old fascist regime, or at best a pastime for old folks,” writes Jones. “Each of these people’s stories shows how God’s grace gently but relentlessly pressed against his defenses — seeking a crack of humility where He could overwhelm and reclaim the person.” READ
PRO-LIFE HERO, RIP The Archdiocese of Milwaukee reported: “It is with heavy hearts that we learn of the passing of Vicki Thorn, who founded Project Rachel and was a nationally recognized expert on pro-life issues.” Vicky’s legacy lives on in Project Rachel, which now operates in 150 dioceses in the United States and ministers to those who have been involved in abortion. Join CatholicVote in praying for Vicki and her family. READ
CATHOLIC 101 Does your baptism still work in your life? Are you immersed in God just as you were immersed in the water? St. John Vianney once said, “I want to lose myself and never find myself again, except in God!” Fr. Joseph Gill offers us five practical ways we can become more and more immersed in our baptismal promises — and in the very heart of God. READ |
SAINT OF THE DAY St. Anselm of Canterbury was born in Italy in 1033 and schooled by Benedictine monks as a boy. Inspired by their lives, he himself became a monk, eventually becoming abbot of his own monastery in Normandy, France. For his great theological and philosophical works, he was named a Doctor of the Church. He is known for his so-called “ontological argument for the existence of God” and the motto fides quaerens intellectum, which means "faith seeking understanding." READ |
DAILY PSALM "O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth!” (Psalm 8:2ab) READ |
DAILY READINGS Today's Mass readings. READ |
FAITH After His resurrection, the saints believe that Jesus appeared first to His mother Mary. SHARE |
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