One Last Fight (Do we have it in Us)
I think we do
afraid to fight anymore that is
we just do not have it in us
modern life has drained us to become void of feeling
we have nothing left to give
there is nothing left to give
And I have to wonder
how did we end up this way
what could we have possibly done to merit this
the lessening of the soul
and yes, even to the death of the human soul
has 21st century man just simply lost the ability to give anymore
and how the very last visage of Americana
Life as we have known it is under a vicious attack
the very adage in God We Trust has been put on trail
Presupposed, suspected guilty
How dare they
how dare they mock our very foundational presets
our most prolific words that have made this nation, America number One, Is in God We trust
The line will be drawn here, right now
you will not break this nations spirit
by your very words, this treachery
you will cause a great out cry in this land
In God We Trust
will not go quietly into that goodnight
it will not be allowed to go at all
this fight will not be lost
it will not be lost
also pity those who will go even one step further in there un-American cause
Do not take away, God Bless America
for these two combined will most assuredly cause us to fall
it is time to stand tall and be counted,
which side are you on
There are those who would destroy this country, this America
not from an enemy at our boarders, but from the enemy with in our own walls
Guard those basic principles we as Americans hold dear to our hearts
God Bless America
In God We Trust
One Nation Under God
these three precepts describe a once honorable American way of life
Help us restore them to a former grander
when once being American meant
In God We trust
God Bless America
one nation under God meant greatness never to be lost again
We can not
we will not lose this fight
if they succeed, those powers that be
who will they come after next
will it be me
will it be your children
will there be anyone left
when they come for you
and they will come
as if the very gates of hell had been opened. they will come as if a great plague
had befallen this very young and yet old great nation of ours.
but we as Americans will be waiting and we will give them one heck of a fight