Sunday, April 3, 2022

Have We Just Walked Away?

 Have We Just Walked Away?

Have we just walked away?

Oh my dear Father God
For what have us, mankind done?
Why Have we sinned so greatly
Why do we have no remorse?

We just walk away
With our hands raised to heaven
As if to ask you why!
For in reality it is us that should ask, why have we failed you and walked away

We have some how lost our conscience
Was this because we just did not care
Or did we ever care.
Or is this the time of sorrows that was predicted so long ago

I have herd them say that God is dead
Even now men of great learning even question
If God even ever lived before
Perhaps He died, or maybe he never was in the first place

How can mankind walk away from all that God has given
Why Can't we even see Him in Nature any more these days
Even nature has abandoned us and gone quite crazy
Volcanoes, earth quakes, tidal waves run amok, making no sense any more these days

The time is know,
That we must make our stand
To awake from this dream of complacence
For in reality we created in the first place

Even the very stars in Heaven begin to fall
The sun grows brighter and hotter much more these days
We now have such things as solar storms
Solar winds coming to threaten our man made ways

Even our very science has begun to fail us
Even the very earth beneath us begins to thrust ever forward
For now there is no special safe place for us to escape
It seems that very nature revolts in our wake

And yet we still raise up our clenched fists to the heavens
As if in disbelief and we want to say
Damn the heavens above this earth as they blacken
Damn this very earth that shakes

What will it take for this generation
When will they wake up to realize their gruesome fate
How much more can this old planet Earth continue
Until this last generation wakes up and realizes it is all ready to late.

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