Wednesday, May 4, 2022

‘Devout Catholic’ Biden admits the issue at stake is the ability to ‘abort a child’(Joe Biden Is Not A ‘Devout Catholic’ & should be excommunicated for preaching such blasphemy.) Catholic's do not ‘abort a child’ Joe! May 4, 2022 |


‘Devout Catholic’ Biden admits the issue at stake is the ability to ‘abort a child’(Joe Biden Is Not A ‘Devout Catholic’ & should be excommunicated for preaching such blasphemy.) Catholic's do not ‘abort a child’ Joe!

No matter the crisis, President Joe Biden can always be counted on to make matters worse for his party when he starts speaking off the cuff.

The outcry by Democrats over the Supreme Court reportedly being set to strike Roe v. Wade has dominated the news cycle since Politico broke the story. And the 79-year-old president was speaking to reporters on Tuesday about the issue when he matter-of-factly stated that what’s at stake is the ability to “abort a child” while voicing support for the codification of Roe

“A child.”


Biden’s take undermines the left’s long-held “clump of cells” position or the use of benign terms like “fetus,” and lends credence to the pro-life’s moral argument against killing unborn babies.

“I mean, so the idea that we’re going to make a judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment to choose to abort a child based on a decision by the Supreme Court, I think, goes way overboard,” Biden said, with the GOP eager to share the footage:

It seems Democrats are okay with the Supreme Court saying it’s a “right” to have an abortion, but suddenly lose all faith in the court when it varies from that point.

In his earlier remarks Biden tried to expand the issue to include another third-rail topic, gay marriage.

“If this decision holds, it’s really quite a radical decision,” he said. “And, again, the underlying premise — and, again, I’ve not had a chance to thoroughly go into the report — the decision.  But it basically says all the decisions related to your private life, who you marry, whether or not you decide to conceive a child or not, whether or not you can have an abortion, a range of other decisions — whether or not — how you raise your child.”

“What does this do — and does this mean that in Florida they can decide they’re going to pass a law saying that same-sex marriage is not permissible, that it’s against the law in Florida?” he continued. “And so, there’s a whole — it’s a fundamental shift in American jurisprudence if it were to hold.”

The reaction to the president’s comment about aborting a child centered first and foremost on the fact that he is a Catholic… here’s a sampling of those responses from Twitter:


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